SRX meltdown

Oct 24, 2009
Caneadea, NY
classic stupid mistake, had to find out the hard way instead of taking everyones advice on here, i took the center baffle out of my airbox on my 2000 srx, i know it would make it lean out but didnt figure it would be enough to do that was. i was just gonna sell it anyways because i have one sled too many, so now i have to rebuild it. i dont have my hopes up but am curiouse about a rebuild kit i found on ebay cheap, not so sure about the tefflon though, i remember some skidoos a few years back using it and they always blew up. just seeing what some of the experts here think. here is the link. thanks alot.

Does removing the baffle really lean it out? My cats always seemed to run better wih them in and a powerbreather on top. If it does, Im taking mine out of my rich 2002. With DCS I should be safe anyway..
DCS senses detonation; not a lean condition. 2 different things.
Havnt really thought about getting rid of it the way it is, i guess depends on what you think it is worth, i have already taken most of my aftermarkets off it though. when it goes it will have, viper seat, diffrent running board treads that were cut off a nytro, i made them fit and layed them in my boards-very nice feel, drove stainless rod down the inside of the rolled edge of the board to really stiffen it up. it will still have a viper long travel in the rear, and am trying to get some off a rx1 right now for the front cause im keeping all my long travel ohlins that are on it. does have 8-tooth drivers with a decent 1.25 ripsaw on it, 144 studs with tall nuts and oversized round backers, some lugs on outside edge are torn off but the stucture part of the track is still good. the sled is not spotless though, does have average pits in hood and white spots in the blue bellypan sides. really good clutching though, beat alot of bigger sleds when it was running, even all the apexes and stuff around, since the tall track and driver upgrade a well set up apex will run it down on top end, but i never re-geared after the drivers so its geared low right now. i still have the stock drivers you can have cause if you are making a racer you will probably want the bigger ones and maybee even anti ratchets anyways. if you are still interested i can get pics for you. the thing is that its probably not worth a whole lot, so if i cant get much out of it i might as well build a racer also, just have to keep it hid from wife somehow so she dont thing ove got too many, or 2 much money involved. if it does go i have some performance stuff also but nothing you would want for the 780 i dont think.

yea, should leave box alone for trail sled, i was originally going to watch it and jet it right for it but forgot i even did it until yesterday when one cylinder quit on me, it was a couple months ago i did it and have been on other sleds so far this year for what little riding i have gotten in, maybye that has something to do with it, it was pissed off at me for leaving it home. when i saw the plugs when i pulled them i had the little lightbulb go off and remembered taking the baffle, i guess all i can say is lesson learned.
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yea, the kit is cheap (thats why it caught my eye) but cheap dont always mean good, been a couple years since ive had to do it but last i knew was around $100 per cylinder to rebuild with oem if you dont need to take it to get it bored, or anything like that. i remember a couple years ago ski doo used teflon coated pistons ant it woould flake off and the engine would blow up, not sure if there was any other reason why or not. that was with some of the earlier revs that were always tore down. i guess even though it was my own fault, it was time, had alot of hard miles on this motor, cant complain much.
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Turk said:
DCS senses detonation; not a lean condition. 2 different things.
Doesnt lean combustion detonate? Somewhere on here it was posted that an 02 was filled with 87 and 10 size smaller mains and they couldnt blow it up.
the teflon coming off the piston skirts on those ski-doo pistons, had nothing to do w/it blowing up. there was some other issues going on w/the motor. if the teflon was wearing off rapidly, then you had some lean issues going on, creating the piston to expand rapidly and alot more than usual, so it was really rubbing against the cylinder wall.
ok, doesnt sound like what i'm looking for, was looking for something totally stock to switch engines with mine thats long traveled. then i'd have my long traveled sled with a stock engine for trails, and a stock chassis with my 780 for racing
yea, its fast but is more of a nice trail sled, not a lay down-go fast machine for strictly drag racing. rides and handles awsome, hate to get rid of but i have to choose between that, a 02 viper er, or a 06 nytro i just traded my atv for. i think its only a mater of time before our lovely government maked us go 4-stroke, if not my law then by expenses to keep them and upkeep them(even oil and such). so its practical to keep the nytro, so the choice is the srx, or viper er. im thinking i should keep the viper(it is very clean, and the electric start-reverse) i think if i give it tripple pipes and some good clutch work, and a few other tricks i could make it run just as good as the srx, some on here claim they are capable of more. sounds like mopar1rules thinks the piston kit may be ok.

on a side note, ive always been 2 stroke all the way...but ive been riding the nytro the last few rides tuning in the suspension cause my wife will be riding it alot of the time(i will steal it when i can) didnt care for it the first 15 minutes but after a ride to adapt to the style, that thing is awsome. wouldnt hesitate a minute getting another one if i had a good deal.
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livewire_101proof said:
yea, its fast but is more of a nice trail sled, not a lay down-go fast machine for strictly drag racing. rides and handles awsome, hate to get rid of but i have to choose between that, a 02 viper er, or a 06 nytro i just traded my atv for. i think its only a mater of time before our lovely government maked us go 4-stroke, if not my law then by expenses to keep them and upkeep them(even oil and such). so its practical to keep the nytro, so the choice is the srx, or viper er. im thinking i should keep the viper(it is very clean, and the electric start-reverse) i think if i give it tripple pipes and some good clutch work, and a few other tricks i could make it run just as good as the srx, some on here claim they are capable of more. sounds like mopar1rules thinks the piston kit may be ok.
on a side note, ive always been 2 stroke all the way...but ive been riding the nytro the last few rides tuning in the suspension cause my wife will be riding it alot of the time(i will steal it when i can) didnt care for it the first 15 minutes but after a ride to adapt to the style, that thing is awsome. wouldnt hesitate a minute getting another one if i had a good deal.

if you are looking to get the sled fixed for a fair price and have it work good, then that piston kit will work for you. what you will get are "SPI" pistons that are made in taiwan, but the quality actually is pretty good. used them before w/no issues.
thanks, thats what i was wondering, as long as they will last instead of blowing up again in a few tanks of gas then i will try em. more than likely i will be getting rid of it anyways but dont want it to blow up on them as soon as they get it, ive had people just slap things together on me when i bought things so i try to act as if i werent selling it when im fixing.
livewire_101proof said:
thanks, thats what i was wondering, as long as they will last instead of blowing up again in a few tanks of gas then i will try em. more than likely i will be getting rid of it anyways but dont want it to blow up on them as soon as they get it, ive had people just slap things together on me when i bought things so i try to act as if i werent selling it when im fixing.

it won't blow up on you again, if you put baffle back into airbox and run the stock jetting. if you are still convinced to keep the baffle out, then you will need to rejet accordingly.
