Pulled my head....


Test Dummy
May 1, 2003
Pulled my head today. what do you think? Need some suggestions on cylinder #1. This is a Rich condition right? Thanks, Soc

#1 , #2, #3


Cylinder #1

Cylinders #2 and #3
SWEDE said:
I'm no tuning expert, but I think 2&3 are close to ideal with 1 being on the rich side.
Same here. I agree. Looks good to me.

When I saw the tittle of the thread I thought it was going to end with ......out of my ........wel you know the rest.

What made you pull your motor apart?
Because of cylinder #1. I wanted to take pics and post them, so I could make sure what I was seeing and thinking was right. I recently installed pipes, which has made me pay way more attention to the plugs & the piston wash than I have had to when I was running basically stock. The motor was loading up a little on the low end, get into the midrange and it runs strong . I'm thinking this cylinder that's causing it. In previous threads I was asking if an exhaust leak (big, between cyl. and pipe) could cause a rich condition. I have pulled the carbs and pulled the bowl on #1 and it's looks good, but will go through it again. Also checked the reeds and they look perfect. When I started looking into this, the first thing I found that I was I had not properly installed the pipes, I was supposed to use sealant not only on the pipe to the can, but also at the connection between the pipe and head flanges. I thought the two rings on the flanges were all that sealed them, wrong. I checked with SLP and was told in both places, and to the belly pan makes sense. So the only thing I found to cause (obvious to me) was that the pipe on that cylinder was leaking and made a mess underneath it. The other two cylinders were noticably cleaner.
to me they look ok 2-3 one is fat, check float height, choke plunger, jetted all the same? but to me it looks like they are all fat on oil
Make sure you are leaning #1 out where it needs it. How was the sled ran before these conditions were recorded. I"m saying if it was a wot shut down, lean the mains only, then redue it at 1/4 and check pilots, don't just lean #1 down across the board. Maxdlx
The plugs are from a pull around 6000. This is the first actual piston wash check I have done, I have around 3-400 miles since I added the pipes, I had been paying real close attention to the plugs. When I did the switch I had to pull the heads and go back to a stock head gasket. All cylinders were the same and looked basically like #2,#3 do now. I'm thinking there something simple somewhere thats causing this. I even checked comp. all three cyl. are the same.
2/3 very nice wash and color...1 is real fat...I would suspect something amiss with the carb. This doesn't look like just a small jetting issue!
I still have not figured why the one cylinder is rich. I'm sure that this is why at slow speeds I'm loading up slightly, but is running strong above 5000 rpms. I have pulled the carbs twice and pulled and cleaned all passages, checked float level, needle and seat/screen are clean. Pulled needles to make sure I hadn't placed a washer in the wrong place, etc.. Checked the reeds, perfect. Compression is equal across. My question is about the choke. could this cause problems like this? I admit I have never pulled them apart since buying the sled new. I have ckecked to make sure they were not sticking and the plungers were seated. Could build up cause this one cylinder to run fat at slow speeds? Thanks SOC
id think sence you already went through the carbs and theres nothing wrong and it ran good befor i take it? just something that happened to happen? id double check the choke, if the #1 choke is open then it is going to push extra fuel through the system and make the one cylinder run rick, so make sure thats all good...
