Low Primary Belt Height


Life Member
Feb 11, 2008
Uitca, NY
What is the general rule to get the belt to ride higher in the primary on full shift out? I have a piped Viper, 8 tooth drivers and I just swapped gearing to a1.86 from a 2.04 ratio. My primary seems to show that the belt was only going to about 3/4's of an inch from the top of the primary. I will be cleaning the surfaces and throwing some marker on there to verify. Do I need more twist in my secondary? Green colored spring from Hauck and I believe at 70 twist. Primary has 8dn20's, but can't remember the primary spring that I have in there as I type.

02ViperMody44 said:
What is the general rule to get the belt to ride higher in the primary on full shift out? I have a piped Viper, 8 tooth drivers and I just swapped gearing to a1.86 from a 2.04 ratio. My primary seems to show that the belt was only going to about 3/4's of an inch from the top of the primary. I will be cleaning the surfaces and throwing some marker on there to verify. Do I need more twist in my secondary? Green colored spring from Hauck and I believe at 70 twist. Primary has 8dn20's, but can't remember the primary spring that I have in there as I type.

on my 00 srx 700 i put a black line on the primary and it ended up about a 1/4" from the top. 23/38 gearing, stock drivers.
Yours is about right,,,1/2-3/4" ....... are you running a new belt? RPMs good??
Whammy said:
Yours is about right,,,1/2-3/4" ....... are you running a new belt? RPMs good??
New belt this season, just measured it a hair over 35mm wide. I just got done going for a ride after putting some black marker lines on the clutches, with a WWW primary spring. I'm actually .9" from the top of the primary. RPM's at 8600-8700ish which I am happy with :dunno: . I have SLP pipes. I was wondering if the secondary is wound too weak, or need a stiffer spring, to balance out the primary from "overpowering" the secondary. :dunno:
Are you low on speed? How do your clutches feel after a long cruise, or a hard run? Temp wise....... Are you experiencing performance problems?
I don't really hold it for real long runs. I mostly run trails, and this year the snow has been spartan in the fields so usually have to go easy through them. On the lakes I will only take it up to about 75ish. Seems to have plenty of speed for the trails, I'm just trying to get the handling dialed in. I've had a lot of issues w/ this sled when I bought it, and with a lot of time and money invested I'm finally getting it to where I am almost confident in riding it. I'm just trying to get a grasp on things. Doing a lot of research on this site. I have not checked the temperatures on the clutches though, I was only cognizant of the fact that the belt "should" be near the top of the primary on shift out, which mine is considerably away from.
