ok i got a 98 srx 700 ...runs great for 400 yards or so than feels like it drops a cylinder and real boggy ...if i let off the gas and wait 5 to 10 secondas it catches it self and goes again for a bit ...carbs are clean but i am wondering if it is crap cought in the screen above the float needle ...or if i got a stator issue ......anyone tell me how to test the stator or have the pdf manual they can send me with the specs ? or anywere else to look to figure this out ...i checked for rubthru but was all good i am open to suggestions ......
email me and I will send you the pdf manual
email sent
my sled is doing the samething since i went for a ride in Michigan
make sure plug cap are good
Sorry for the delay, never got the email it went to spam, sent you the manual hope it helps
fixed it ......andy it is something in your carbs ...i swaped another set i had on shelf and now she runs great ....i am gonna see cause i belive it has crap under the seat in the screen
I just went through the carbs and still running the same it seems to work if you just ease into the throttle but if you grab a handful of throttle it will run rough.
what would happen if the exhaust donuts are a little loose would it create the WOT hesitation
what would happen if the exhaust donuts are a little loose would it create the WOT hesitation
OK this one was ok til about 400 yards or so than runs rough for 5 seconds or so than runs good for another 400 yards and boggs