Hot tub Option?


VIP Member
Feb 12, 2005
Southern Manitoba Canada
Noticed coolant cleaking out of the overflow hose the other day. It was warm outside around freezing point. Figured the motor was getting a little warm so I hit as much loose snow that I could find off the trails. The " you smoked your engine" light never came on. Just added water when I needed too for the remainder of the day. The next day I re-bled the system. Found some air. Went for a test ride and coolant came out again. Then I went for a ride with the cap off one notch. Got the engine nice in warm. Check in the coolant tank for bubbles. Saw one or two. Revved the motor up and it looked like a hot tub in there. :o| . Pressurized the coolant system with the spark plugs removed. No coolant in the cylinders. ;)! Just picked up a new head gasket today and will be changing that out. Hope this will cure it.
stein700sx said:
Noticed coolant cleaking out of the overflow hose the other day. It was warm outside around freezing point. Figured the motor was getting a little warm so I hit as much loose snow that I could find off the trails. The " you smoked your engine" light never came on. Just added water when I needed too for the remainder of the day. The next day I re-bled the system. Found some air. Went for a test ride and coolant came out again. Then I went for a ride with the cap off one notch. Got the engine nice in warm. Check in the coolant tank for bubbles. Saw one or two. Revved the motor up and it looked like a hot tub in there. :o| . Pressurized the coolant system with the spark plugs removed. No coolant in the cylinders. ;)! Just picked up a new head gasket today and will be changing that out. Hope this will cure it.

Besides your subject heading, is there a question somewhere?
Old post.
Ended up having a head gasket failure. I reused the head gasket after the porting job. Not a good idea in the end. Installed a new gasket and problem was solved.
