New member
Bad thing happened today, my steering post snapped off my srx, right at the top. feeling lucky because it happened as I was loading it in the trailer. Think of all the other places I could have been when this happened, like coming into a corner about 60 mph, maybe jumping off a snow bank. Anyway, you guys should check your posts for cracks, right under the handlebar mount plate. On '98 &'99's anyway, They were updated on the newer ones. Got some ride time on the wifes extacy at least, I think it needs some mods...
Same thing happened bout a month ago. Buy, a new one and see the diff in the welds. My old one is repaired w/inner sleave and 2" extension... I should be sporting that sh_t next year yo.
New member
What year did they update this? Kind of scary.
New member
All I can say is F Yamaha for this one. Mine did that last year and it caused me to miss basically all this years riding b fore the rain destroyed all of our snow. I fixed it with the updated post but removing the motor isnt my idea of run really. Its funny when i called my local dealer magically they never heard of of one breaking. Hmmm. FUnny. We dont really think about how scary that could have been. mine broke as i was cornering but I was slowed way down so i was lucky. BUt I wasnt lucky being towed behind a nother snowmobile with nothing but my legs holding on and my handlebars dangling in my lap. It was a 60 mile trip back to the truck. Can you say scary!!?
New member
I think most people would panic so bad you might forget to grab the brakes. My '01 has the updated shaft, either '00 or '01 update?? I sleeved it on the inside, put some triangle gussets on it & welded it back together, I think I could pick the whole sled up from the mount plate now. This was a weak design, especially with a bar riser, but I also rolled my sled last year & tweaked it then making it even weaker I guess. I was glad it happened in my driveway right in front of the shop.
Yamahizal 700
I have a funny story also. Back in 98 I was in the UP running hard threw the woods, and when I came out of a corner I noticed my inside ski was moving independent from the handle bars. NOT GOOD I pulled over and found one of my spindles was cracked and ready to fall off. I made it another mile at slow speeds and it did fall off, I rode the tunnel of a freinds MXZ the 15 miles or so miles back to bergland.
Now my steering stem just broke, not looking forward to fixing it.
I have a funny story also. Back in 98 I was in the UP running hard threw the woods, and when I came out of a corner I noticed my inside ski was moving independent from the handle bars. NOT GOOD I pulled over and found one of my spindles was cracked and ready to fall off. I made it another mile at slow speeds and it did fall off, I rode the tunnel of a freinds MXZ the 15 miles or so miles back to bergland.
Now my steering stem just broke, not looking forward to fixing it.
New member
only took me about an hour to be back to running, once the bars were removed.
New member
I watched my brother-in-law break the mount on his '98 srx while crossing a 4 lane highway. It broke when he went over the median and he kind of fell off to the side, but had enough sense to hit the gas as there were cars coming. We thought he was doing some kind of trick 'til the rest of us crossed and saw the bars laying on the seat. To make it worse he even wore a whole in his bibs dragging himself across the pavement. All things considered, it happened in a lucky place near the highway. We were on our way to the river bottom and that is a tight, twisty trail.