What makes TORS engage?


New member
Feb 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Michigan
I have a 02 Viper and sometimes the TORS kicks in and i have to come to a complete stop in order to run past 3000 rpm, I checked the throttle cable and i have slack in it at the block, i cleaned the carbs out about 800 miles ago. I just had it out and it kicked in 3 out of 5 times i gave it full throttle. What else could it be? I searched about this topic and i can only find an issue if the cable is to tight.

check for chaffed wires coming from throttle block. see if they are rubbing on the handlebars under the pad. If not then unplug where it connects into the carb sensor and plug them back into eachother. This will disable the tors. could be a sensor going bad
staggs65 said:
hmmm, i'm thinking it would just be a continuity test but not sure. have you tried bypassing the tors just for diagnosing purposes

I just was reading how to bypass it, and will try in the morning. If it does not do it any more, than i guess i probably have a run through in the tors wires?
There are two switches for the TORS system. There is one in the throttle lever mounting block and one on the carb rack. At idle, no throttle applied, the switch on the throttle block is open and the switch on the carb rack is closed. As you depress the throttle lever, the switch on the throttle block closes, the slack in the cable is taken up then as the carbs open, the switch on the carb rack opens. The two switches are required to determine if the throttle is working correctly versus a failure. I recently had the TORS switch on my 2003 RX1 fail in which it is open all the time, regardless of pressing and releasing the switch. I confirmed the switch in the throttle block was working correctly. You can access the connections for the throttle block switch under the handlebar pad. You can access the connections to the switch on the carb rack right near the carbs. Check each one with an ohmmeter for operation. If the switches test fine, then the problem is the wiring. Also, be SURE there is enough slack in the throttle cable, about 2 millimeters. The slack is needed to allow the throttle block switch to close before the cable starts moving.
rx1jim said:
There are two switches for the TORS system. There is one in the throttle lever mounting block and one on the carb rack. At idle, no throttle applied, the switch on the throttle block is open and the switch on the carb rack is closed. As you depress the throttle lever, the switch on the throttle block closes, the slack in the cable is taken up then as the carbs open, the switch on the carb rack opens. The two switches are required to determine if the throttle is working correctly versus a failure. I recently had the TORS switch on my 2003 RX1 fail in which it is open all the time, regardless of pressing and releasing the switch. I confirmed the switch in the throttle block was working correctly. You can access the connections for the throttle block switch under the handlebar pad. You can access the connections to the switch on the carb rack right near the carbs. Check each one with an ohmmeter for operation. If the switches test fine, then the problem is the wiring. Also, be SURE there is enough slack in the throttle cable, about 2 millimeters. The slack is needed to allow the throttle block switch to close before the cable starts moving.

Ok i will check them with my ohm meter, how do i know what numbers should be showed for a good switch or bad switch? sorry for asking questions i am really lost when it comes to electrical, i appreciate all the helpful knowledge from everybody
I had a similar problem with my sled. I bypassed the carb rack tors switch by plugging the wires from the throttle switch into each other. The problem went away so I replaced the carb rack tors switch.

Follow the wires back from the carb rack switch to the connectors. Should only be about 8 or 10 inches. Unplug the connectors and plug the 2 wires coming down from the handle bars (throttle switch) into each other. If this fixes your problem replace the carb rack switch.
abumpa said:
I had a similar problem with my sled. I bypassed the carb rack tors switch by plugging the wires from the throttle switch into each other. The problem went away so I replaced the carb rack tors switch.

Follow the wires back from the carb rack switch to the connectors. Should only be about 8 or 10 inches. Unplug the connectors and plug the 2 wires coming down from the handle bars (throttle switch) into each other. If this fixes your problem replace the carb rack switch.

Doing this will just bypass the tors, How did you know it was not the switch on the handlebars?
You say sometimes the TORS kicks in and you have to slow. This leads me to believe you are able to accelerate in the first place, or re-accelerate after a short wait.

The system must see one of the 2 switches on at all times. Since you are accelerating ok but having trouble after letting off the throttle I assume the system is occasionally not seeing the lever at the carbs as closed when you release the thumb throttle. This will set the system off and it will reset itself after a few seconds.

I suppose it could be an intermittent thump switch but then I would assume the problem to occasionally show on the first acceleration, or after idling long enough for the system to reset.

Easy to isolate by taking the carb switch out of the loop.
I have had mine disconnected for some time now as it was also intermintent. Work well for all last season and part of this season. But now its activating again. Strange as I have the carb sensor bypassed. Very well could be a wire rub through from the throttle switch. I never thought to look for that. thanks for the idea

montynormand said:
I have had mine disconnected for some time now as it was also intermintent. Work well for all last season and part of this season. But now its activating again. Strange as I have the carb sensor bypassed. Very well could be a wire rub through from the throttle switch. I never thought to look for that. thanks for the idea


Your TORS is going on and its bypassed? that is very strange, keep me informed on what you find
