Viper problems


New member
Mar 13, 2009
My 2002 700 Viper seemed to be overheating last weekend. There is a red light on the dash next to the blue light for the brights for the head light that was flashing everytime I went over 80 MPH. I don't know if anyone has a manual they can e-mail me. My address is I am assuming that is what the light is for. The cooling fins under my foot rests seemed to be hot so I assume my system is circulating okay. I thought about pulling the seat to bleed it out just in case. I did a compression test and the drive side piston is 110 lbs and the other two are 120. I just changed that piston so I was concerned about it. Any suggestions? Thanks.
What sequence was it flashing at? Were their any icons with the light on. The flash codes are in the tech section under misc for the viper. If it was just overheating You need to look at getting the rear heat exchanger. Its a must on the vipers even if you have never had any problems before. Were you riding in bad snow conditions? We need a little more info to get you in the right direction.
Thanks for the reply. I was reading in a manual someone was nice enough to send me and I see the codes are like some of the furnaces we install. Problem is the light only flashes when I get up to 80 MPH. I will have to get a nice straight path and check it out. I hope I can figure out which code it is sending me. I remember reading on TY Forum earlier about people with Vipers adding the rear exchanger. I think it sounds like a great idea. Do you think the 110 psi on the clutch side is anything to worry about? I feel like it is my fault because I didn't change the head gasket. That's what I get for being too cheap. Any idea where a good place to get a rear heat exchanger is? I am also interested in adding reverse. Any suggestions there?
110 psi clutch side is good because in vipers they are known to be 10 to 12 psi in the difference of the other two cylinders. I just installed a viper mountain rear heat exchanger on my viper and seems to be doing the job. Its not as big as the other ones, but seems to work fine. Plus you don't need protectors for the viper mountain rear heat exchanger. I got it through my yamaha dealer for a good price.
Iv'e seen a few heat exchangers on ebay. You can use the one ment for the viper or a srx cooler. The big one works better but like viper700t said the others will work too. Both can be found on ebay now for a decent price. Search for yamaha viper. I know viperlover has a reverse for sale right now in the classifieds for a good price complete. Great guy to deal with and fast shipping. If your going to replace that headgasket go with the bender opticool. I think $30. This will also help.
Be careful you don't bottom out if you add the rear heat exchanger! my buddy chewed through his with the studs. But i bet it will solve your problem. mine works wonders!
