Polaris skis on Yamaha?


New member
Sep 20, 2008
How hard is it or would it be to retro-fit a set of Polaris skis on the trailing arm chassis? And does Polaris have the best stock skis on a stock sled? I have heard they make very good skis.
I have 98 srx skis on my venture. It was the only sled to dart in fluffy snow on the trails even with shaper bars. MY 2000 xcsp with the Polaris plastic skis didn't dart one bit. It has shaper bars as well.

The polaris skis are very good. I don't think it would take much to mount them.
Thanks guys, I think I am going to go for the deal, the skis have only 34 km on them and have carbides that are perfect, for $200 and they are basically new except for a few minor scratches on the bottom which is normal. They are off a fusion and are 6-7" wide.
I ran Polaris skis on my Viper last year, anything is better than the stock yammi skis. The only reason I took them off is because I got a good deal on some sly-dogs. I'm pretty sure that 3" spindle width is standard for all sleds now a day's.
I bought the skis today, I will be installing them sometime soon when i straighten out my running board. Hopefully its not hard to install them, Would I be able to use the stock ski rubbers?
