how good is your oil

Jeff, what do you have parked in the drive there? New hot rod?

john, thats a 65 impala convertible i've been working on when I can for a few years now. its probably about 95% done now, behing it is a 66 olds delta 88. i'm also building a 66 mustang for the wife, and a 31 chevy for a customer right now.

sorry s fortuna, back to your thread....
I have always looked at this type of thing and said " there isn't one thing that can do it all ". Now maybe this time they really have got something. But I doubt it
s fortuna said: i found out about this stuff here
JUST SAYING THIS IS GOOD STUFF i dont sell it i use it
this is it

I've seen the exact demo for Problend, Slick 50, Wynns, CD-2 and probably a couple others. They all made similar claims. I didn't watch it all, but I see they had a can of WD-40 ready to test. WD-40 was never intended as a lubricant. It's often used as one, but wasn't developed as one.

I'm not disputing them, just pointing out this isn't exactly new.
Yamahalube..used it forever...used Yamahalube R in race engines,,,no fuss no muss...

I'm sure its blend from aftermarket..but it works for me...
