Primary clutch tear down


Apr 9, 2006
Saline, MI
I want to replace a damaged moveable sheave on a srx clutch, I know the fixed sheave is threaded on the main shaft but I have never torn those two pieces apart. What is the best way to seperate the clutch shaft from fixed sheave? Any information would be appreciated.

You need a grunt tool & they are very very expensive.
This is great info. I will build one next week in the shop. Building my own will save me about $275 rather than buying one. I was just about to buy one. Great info. from great people on a great site!!!!
The torque spec for tightening the spider onto the clutch sheave is 145 ft lbs. I have a torque wrench with a max. torque reading of 100 ft lbs. The torque wrench is 18" from the socket to the center of the handle so I will make an 18" long bar which the torque wrench will attach to so I will need to set the wrench to 72.5 ft lbs to get the right torque setting. I am going to make the clutch holding base plate so it will bolt to a support column in my garage. 145 ft lbs of torque needs something big to hold onto. In a few more years I have more specialty sled tools than my Yamaha dealer.
