hey fellas i'm trying to get my 99srx dialed in for 1000ft-1/4 radar runs. I can choose either distance. I pretty much know what to do with the suspension, however my clutching needs some work. I have an all yellow primary not sure of the rate with stock 8dn10 weights, stock helix, hauck magnum power roller secondary and hauck silver secondary spring. My engagement is low around 3500rpms and my sled runs quick to about 8800rpm then settles at 8600 rpm so the max is a bit high too. i have two extra springs here a black hauck with 50 preload, 2.25rate, and 125 total force. I also have a yamaha blue white blue with 45kg preload, 2.0 rate, and 111total force. which spring should i use, i would like about a 4000 rpm engagement and 8500 max rpm. my motor is stock with hauck growlers, 196 studs, transfer rods and the above clutching. Any advice is appreciated.
I am thinking the primary yellow spring i have now is haucks yellow.....40 preload, 1.75 rate, and 105 total force. sled seems to run ok right now gps with a bit of snow to 100.2 mph in a fairly short distance maybe 1/4 mile, but obviously like a bit more...
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1. Where are the radar runs?
2. For racing put the stock muffler on if you have it, it makes more power.
2. For racing put the stock muffler on if you have it, it makes more power.
runs are march 6 crane lake, mn...i would like to get this clutching down asap as the runs are 1 week away.....supposed to be a good turnout....some big mod machines show up...hyper viper, etc.....
New member
crane lake were??
crane lake in minnesota near the canadian ontario border