Switching from 121 to 136 ?


New member
Feb 27, 2010
I have been a member for awhile but the site has screwed up(I had to re register), But whatever, I'm wanting some input on going from a 121 to a 136 on a 1997 XTC 600, I was thinking of going with a Hartman kit or something else thats good, But my main concern is I set my sled up to Turks specs (Clutching 50/44 Helix .06 Head Gasket and the weights he recommended on here and it runs awesome, I just need more traction for climbing big hills in deep snow, Besides a track and the kit, Is the clutching gonna need changed dramatically or gears ? Drivers ? (The circumfrance of the turning track will be larger(Like on a car when U go with higher profile tires, Does it make a difference on a sled ? (It should) Are extentions the way to go ? I've read alot of good and bad, If I can't get any good input on here I'm calling Tom anyways. ( I would like to know what turk says about these changes cause when it comes to clutching and gearing He's King.
When I do ride it's with my bro and our friend a RX 1 2005 and 08 nitro I can't touch the RX 1 But the nitro is a toss up (no winner) Though remember a 600 XTC has to be damm near perfect to run with a nitro, It has to be dialed.(It can be done with turks help).
When I went to a 136" on my sx-r Turk told me to gear down 1 tooth and it was very close.You can't go wrong with Hartman, good products and great service.He'll probably tell you to gear down somewhere in the 2.00 range in your chaincase.If you run a 1.25" lug you'll just have to remove your tunnel protectors, but can't run studs with this without going to 8 tooth drivers, or you can run a 1" lug with studs and stock drivers.Your also gonna want to run some different skis to tame down the push of the long track,simmons,slp powder pros or c&a are some good choices.I have 5650 miles on rail extensions and there great, those aren't anything to worry about they work great.
i stretched my viper in 2006 and i've never looked back. big difference, its a different sled and it rides a little better which is a plus with a viper. i put c&a skis on and a ripsaw 1.25 with studs. if i did it again i would go with a different track b/c the ripsaw is good on trail just not what i want off trail since i like to play off trail alot. i went to 8 tooth drivers so i could stud and i've since geared up to a 24 Top. with the 8 tooth drivers and stock gearing 22 top it had 0 top end and topped out at around 75 on gps and threw the speedo waaaaayyyy offff.
I will be going with at least a 1.25 might get a camoplast intense with no studs, Tunnel protcters are gone already, I have C&A's with bergstrom 8 in tri blades, Gearing is 24/39 I know that sounds like too much gear but I'm only 160 lbs and when I redid my motor the .06 head gasket made a huge difference whitch made going up one tooth possiable, It pulls it great I love it, Put a new(superceded)oil pump on as well whitch made it run better, I just want to be able to get a track and extention kit and put it together without haeing to change tons of stuff. Thanks U guys for responding.
Ah, I'm just wondering I've looked closer at hartman's extention kit and it does not really extend the hyfax all the way back(Maybe I'm wrong) I'm looking at Tracksusa"s kit and it is a very good extention it does extend the hyfax all the way(Basically perfect?) Out of all the company's that make these kits, Whitch one do U guys think is best and what ones do U guys currently run. Who did U get your's through?
I have a Hartman 141 to 151 on my MM
My rail extensions do not extend the hyfax either.
I have ran it for 2 seasons absolutly no issues......
I'm reasonably sure that the latest Hartman extensions extend the hyphax all the way back.I think they did it because of complaints about theres not.Tracks Usa are another good choice, thats what I have and everything else from Hartman although I would'nt have a problem with either.
i would try it with your current gearing 1st. you are light enough that it might be ok. if you start burning belts on takeoff though, i would try the stock gearing in it again. might end up doing some clutch work as we are still having a problem with bros 2001 sx500r 136" mod burning 8dn belts on take off. trying some heel clickers next.
When I did mine I geared down 1 tooth and changed the drivers to a 8t with a 1 1/2" paddle track. The thing is wicked fun!
SWEDE said:
I'm reasonably sure that the latest Hartman extensions extend the hyphax all the way back.I think they did it because of complaints about theres not.Tracks Usa are another good choice, thats what I have and everything else from Hartman although I would'nt have a problem with either.
I'm soo happy ! I called Hartman today, Tom answered straight away eh, He assured me his newest design does extend the hyfax all the way back, He'll give a deal for getting everything through him (Includes all needed parts) Since I have a rear heat exchanger off of a 700 he told me that saves me $, Cause with his kit theres something he sells with the kit I don't need a copper cross over he said.
Good, you can't go wrong with Tom, one heck of a nice guy.You'll love your new setup and Tom is great about any help along the way.
