hey guys. I have went through 2 belts in 2 rides recently and later today i started the sled up and there is oil spirting out of the power valves. Not just one but it seems like all three are leaking and the motor shakes a bit during idle. However we did find a stress crack in the primary outside bell. It does seem like the clutch does wobble a little bit. the mechanic said i need to replace the primary unit or rebuilt it and put new gaskets and readjust the power valves. However the last time i was riding the sled was making some really strange noises, and i hope i didnt wreck the crank or burn a head gasket. I always think its the crank because i know 98-99's have junk cranks and i have a 99 srx700. I am confused why all 3 power valves are leaking oil, because they werent spirting oil out like that before. Any help is greatly appreciated as i dont know what to do next, keep the sled, fix and sell the sled, or burn it. jk and i have a brand new track here that i dont know if i should install or not. I dont want to spend all my money on this sled if its more than just a few gaskets and clutch. thanks
by the way the crack in the outer primary clutch was a hairline crack barely visible but you could feel it when running your finger over the inside of the outer primary bell. i hope that its just the clutch that is causing these belt problems...the power valves leaking on the other hand.............
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the power valve leaking, is most likely due to the inner seal being bad, and the excess oil is just dripping out the drain hole in the housing. no big deal....just get some new seals and gaskets and you'll be good to go there. now, for the belt blowing issue...i highly doubt that hairline crack is causing the issue. i would be willing to bet that your clutch alignment is off. i would also doubt that your crank is bad.
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yep have your crank looked at.It may be out of phaze.daman said:Like mopar said simple seal is why your valves are leaking click , as far as your sled running bad it could be a crank issue,has it been updated?? does the sled have any vibration?? is it running an all three??
the sled runs on all 3 cylinders i know that much...it actually feels strong mid and top pulls like crazy but its hard to "hear" whats going because of the hauck silencer that was on the sled when i bought it and i dont have the stock unit. Is there a way to check the crank without tearing the sled down....this may sound dumb but could i check the crank for issues by rotating the clutch by hand to see if it is out of phase? And when i check the compression would the leaking power valve gaskets give me a low reading? thanks
New member
No on the leaking pv gasket,,do you feel any vibration at higher speeds???
have your dealer run the VIN number to see if the sleds been updated,not saying this is your issue just somthing to check.
have your dealer run the VIN number to see if the sleds been updated,not saying this is your issue just somthing to check.
the motor shakes a bit at idle but it might be normal...seems like all 2 stroke machines that i have owned shake a bit and no there doesnt seem to be any vibration when riding. This crank has not been updated. I know that there is a recall on 98 srx'x but i was told by yamaha when i called them that there isnt a recall for 99 cranks....is this true?
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8's and 9's where bad,6 and 700's especially when studded.
mopar1rules said:the power valve leaking, is most likely due to the inner seal being bad, and the excess oil is just dripping out the drain hole in the housing. no big deal....just get some new seals and gaskets and you'll be good to go there. now, for the belt blowing issue...i highly doubt that hairline crack is causing the issue. i would be willing to bet that your clutch alignment is off. i would also doubt that your crank is bad.
X2 - except for the crack. If you can feel it with your finger nail it may be opening up further at speed or twisting in such a way that it creates a cutting edge. May not be causing your vibration but I'd think it could take out a belt in no time. In any case, I'd swap it out before riding it.
Most of the 98 or 99 SRX's with bad cranks had a very noticable vibration in the handlebars while driving. Enough that it made your hand numb. Almost all crank issues were with the 98's and it normally happened very early on in their life. I had a 98 that was never updated under the recall and never had an issue. Had 192 studs as well. Check clutch alignement and see if you can post some pictures of the crack in your clutch.
ok guys i have the whole unit in my hands right now and you can definately feel the crack with your finger and its pretty sharp, its about an inch long. I'm positive that is why the belt is blowing..i hope. The mechanic keeps saying the crank is good, I dont know how he knows if he didnt check to see if it was out of phase..... he rotated the clutch a few times by hand and also started the sled without the clutch and said it seems fine and he said compression was good. Now back to the clutch. I'm going to tear it apart and see what else i find, but i already know i need the moveable primary sheave which is expensive and i think I'll need different weights because i have the stock 8dn10 weights with it looks like 4.5 in both holes and it still runs at 86-8700 rpm. I now have to decide what weights to use. If I wanted to just buy a complete primary clutch assemble, has anyone ever
tried a calibrated comet primary unit or are they junk?
tried a calibrated comet primary unit or are they junk?
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Drop me a pm i have a new sheave for you.
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I am happy with the comet primary I put on my viper.
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justin1620 said:ok guys i have the whole unit in my hands right now and you can definately feel the crack with your finger and its pretty sharp, its about an inch long. I'm positive that is why the belt is blowing..i hope. The mechanic keeps saying the crank is good, I dont know how he knows if he didnt check to see if it was out of phase..... he rotated the clutch a few times by hand and also started the sled without the clutch and said it seems fine and he said compression was good. Now back to the clutch. I'm going to tear it apart and see what else i find, but i already know i need the moveable primary sheave which is expensive and i think I'll need different weights because i have the stock 8dn10 weights with it looks like 4.5 in both holes and it still runs at 86-8700 rpm. I now have to decide what weights to use. If I wanted to just buy a complete primary clutch assemble, has anyone ever
tried a calibrated comet primary unit or are they junk?
i thought you just had those tiny 3/16" long stress/heat cracks, near the bottom of the movable sheave. you could also try some 8dn-20 weights instead of your 8dn-10's. i would stick w/your yamaha clutch. much better than the comet.