Mega snowmobile fail!

If you look after it takes off at the end, I am fairly sure the thing takes a drink. I think you can see it disappear to the depths, but that may just be the angle/video quality.
I'm guessing with a big SPLASH...
That sucks... My Ol Lady did almost the same thing she fell off my VIPER and it was heading for the drink thank god it wasn't going fast I did catch up to it...Very difficult to sprint in those non-flexible boots!!!
Me 2 looks like it went for a bath but you can still hear it.With no rider it would go for a while on ice/water.
Very true you can still hear it, but having seen someone sink a sled before, if you dont hit the kill switch, they still run for a few seconds while they are sinking. Either way, it probably went til it hit something if it didnt sink.
This winter the '75 Cheetah I was fixing up took off on me when I was getting it unstuck out on the lake. It jumped a couple snowbanks and got going about 30 mph down an ice road and ran right between a couple of fish houses before a guy on a doo ran up alongside and hit the kill switch for me. Was I thankful for him coming along when he did. I sure wish someone had got that on video.
