New member
i was out for a run sat 300 kilos great day but feeling sick about another season almost over made myself depressed thinking about it.thats why i love this site everybody loves sledding like i do.anybody else feeling the same?
54 deg today . but i have over 500 mi on the bikes
. yup one is a yami fz6r

SRX Man!
New member
Need 1 more Winter Blast!
Yep even ran to No. Wisconsin/Michigan in the middle of the week. Big melt down everywhere's. Put on a couple hundred, by Friday night trails poor condition. Big Bummer! Where's the snow.....
tedgoesfast said:i was out for a run sat 300 kilos great day but feeling sick about another season almost over made myself depressed thinking about it.thats why i love this site everybody loves sledding like i do.anybody else feeling the same?
Yep even ran to No. Wisconsin/Michigan in the middle of the week. Big melt down everywhere's. Put on a couple hundred, by Friday night trails poor condition. Big Bummer! Where's the snow.....

yeah same here.Season started so late and now it is starting to get warm.Still can ride,but the snow is carapy and dirty.The River is still good,as long as the ditch has enough snow to get there.Short winter for sure..this is not normal for us.Really never got a major snowstorm this year either.
New member
season started great here in beginning of december and started to dissappear in mid feb. snow is pretty much gone here except for snow banks, pile and deep snow spots and shade. oh well, did all my riding in december, last ride was new years day. only about 300 miles for the season. can't wait to get my boat 

Soup Dog
New member
It is what it is....
Time to put the boat in next weekend and enjoy some horse shoes and grill out on the Island's....First one in the water and the last one out....
Time to put the boat in next weekend and enjoy some horse shoes and grill out on the Island's....First one in the water and the last one out....
New member
Well we got out twice now. Just over 300km total riding. Snow virtually nill in southern Ontario this year and some place far up north had some left from the big dump of 3ft in Dec. Worst year I can remember. I am not going to buy a trail pass next year early and only just before I got somewhere and same for insurance. Total waste of $$$ two years now for me. It been warm during the day the two weekends I got out and the snow was slushy and dirt, rocks, holes to deal with.
i don't like it 2
melting here too dame oh well summer is cumming ...Getting my sons friend 91 kx250 to geather can't wait 2 get it done & get my 99yz400f out
.shure hope to get some riding this summer??? ps doug henrey was the best 

New member
It was the same here in Newfoundland, I never even got a decent ride till yesterday, went for a real good ride actually, no powder but lots of drifts and a couple small hill climbs, there was a half decent wood/steel jump ina pit that we were hitting. A little stretch of water to, almost sunk 2-3 times though, hit the water to slow and fanners dont have enough power to pull itself up and out of the water, the first 3-4 times i could have went 3-4 times the length of the stretch as I had good momentum and never slowed down at all. I was kinda happy we never got much snow this winter as now I can buy a decent quad this summer.
still some snow in the UP. just got back trails are good, bad, and ugly. anywhere with a gas station looks like a MOTO X trail. got hung out to dry on a couple stretches. No snow south of 28 in the E UP. Worst trails I've ever seen in the UP
our trails closed last tuesday. im bummin but it was fun while it lasted. now its time to grow my hot peppers and start restoring my quadracer LT250r.
New member
great season for local riding!! (northern Illinois)
early finish up north, but I've seen much worse though, anyone remember '98 when it hit 70 in early feb? how about '02 when everyone thought it was going to be the worst season ever @ the end of january?... then we ended up riding until April 17th in the U.P.!!!
hang in there - we got Global Cooling on our side!!!
early finish up north, but I've seen much worse though, anyone remember '98 when it hit 70 in early feb? how about '02 when everyone thought it was going to be the worst season ever @ the end of january?... then we ended up riding until April 17th in the U.P.!!!
hang in there - we got Global Cooling on our side!!!
Yup im done, summerized the sled this past weekend and time to bust out the grill!! Good year of riding, wish I would have rode more but hopefully next year we get more snow and/or I make more $$$ to ride more in the U.P.
New member
THis is the first time that I didnt make it riding. Thats ok cause I just bought a sick house with woods all around me and Im excited to start doing a little exploring of out new turf. ALso a huge fishing addict and I would take open water anyday over a snow covered trail.
Tried to make the trails one more time
Rode across the lake and through the woods from my place up in Cadillac on Sat, but had to turn around and come back after coming to a muddy road that didn't have any snow on the edges. It was ok in the woods, but melting fast. This week will probably do in all the snow. Unless we have a big blizzard stick a fork in it, its done.
Rode across the lake and through the woods from my place up in Cadillac on Sat, but had to turn around and come back after coming to a muddy road that didn't have any snow on the edges. It was ok in the woods, but melting fast. This week will probably do in all the snow. Unless we have a big blizzard stick a fork in it, its done.
Nice ride on Sat., in Mts. between Moosehead Lake and Millinocket
(120 mi.). May get another weekend in, but just about all done here too!
Thanks alot El Nino!!!
(120 mi.). May get another weekend in, but just about all done here too!
Thanks alot El Nino!!!
New member
heading out tomorow up northern new brunswick last weekand there was still 3 feet left .Its going to be warm tomorrow but want to try my new to me rx1 .I dont care if i have to go with my shorts on i cant wait to try it
Havent had snow on the ground here for 6-7 weeks. Looks like I will be mowing the grass here in a couple of weeks.
New member
no snow here for 3 weeks now and what we had before that wasn't enough to ride on
Soup Dog
New member
I put in my boat on wednesday!!!! Spun the hub on thursday...Went out to the Island's on saturday, It was COLD...East wind blowing about 20-25 mph...The snow covered the beach on the lake side of the island about 3 feet of Ice and snow,I would of never guessed that...Walleye fishing is about to begin here in Lake Erie can't wait...
One season is over and the next is about to begin...
One season is over and the next is about to begin...