what did you get ? me about 1400 rolled it over 10k
New member
Viper about 40
FST Switchback about 40
1973 Skidoo Elite less than 10
1973 Raider 34TT over 300 PRICELESS
New babies cut into ride time
FST Switchback about 40
1973 Skidoo Elite less than 10
1973 Raider 34TT over 300 PRICELESS

New babies cut into ride time
Not enough about 500 between two sleds.

5 miles, on sleds i worked on for test rides
New member
about 330 all in december, didnt ride since new years day
New member
roughly 600 miles....
My worst season ever 650 miles.
New member
my seasons done,158 miles,,one days riding,not worth a damn!

Got 1600 miles so far. Hope to get another 300 in the next two days.
New member
1600+ not the greatest around here, but at least we kept the snow we had up until just recently.Probably a third of those miles are from traveling up north farther from the Grayling area.
I got NONE on my viper. I did do some grooming though, probably 100 miles at 5 mph. and one real short trip on my Merc 440 Trail Twister before the stator crapped out on me. I cant believe thy are built so poor, I mean after 34 years it should still be fine!!! 

New member
I got about 1200 miles on this year. It also rolled over 10,000 miles then the track blew apart on the last ride of the year.
Active member
I got about 3500 km and rolled over 28 000 km on the od.
I got about 300 miles, my season was plagued with breakdowns and poor riding conditions. There is almost no snow left on the ground.....................but hey there's always next year 

this was my first season with my own sled. i put 222 miles on from december till now. almost no snow left here.
New member
706 miles for me. It's OK though, I had about 4000 last year.

VIP Member
About 600 miles before my 700sx broke for the year. Another 300 miles on my brother-in-law's '89 SRV, 30 miles on my '75 Cheetah 440, and finally about 250 miles on Nicko's 600sx. So almost 1200 miles. Not counting my broken 700sx, I'd say I had a decent year, too bad the snow is just about gone, I just got the email notification that my parts were shipped today.
New member
My son and I were lucky enough to make it up the the NH north country for two trips. We rode for 4 days on the first trip and 2.5 on the second trip. We logged 1125 miles. My 2003 RX-1 now has 7200 trouble-free miles on it and my first 2000 SRX now has 12500 terrific miles on it. I am very greatful to have at least gotten in these two rides. I could have made 1 more trip in late January if I had the sleds ready on time. This year the sleds will be ready by May (need to rebuild the engine on the SRX). There is still good riding to be had in northern NH..
New member
About 765 miles in two trips to the Northwoods. About 60 of that was really dirty. Shooting for 1000 next season.

Super Moderator
Got about 800 on my viper s. 500 on the river, and 300 in munising. Overall for my first big winter back in the game not bad. Wifes viper and daughters XT about a 100 each on the river with me (awesome, made my year for sure). Can hardly wait for a real winter.