New member
Hey guys, this summer I will be purchasing a 2nd hand quad, something better than what I have now (1991 Suzuki King Quad 300), the motor/tranny have been very reliable in my bike, but it needs to much work to make it worthy to go on any trips. The frame is rusted out, it goes through u-joints every month or so, all the brakes are shot, the front end have a cv-joint gone, etc. For what i would have to invest, its not worth it. I am selling it and buying a decent bike. Km's doesn't really matter. I am going to be looking for a Grizzly 600, 98-01, maybe a 660 if i can find the right deal. Does anybody here have 1 600 Grizz? What was it like overall? Any known troubles with the bike? I know this is a Yamaha site, but what are the Kawasaki quads like? I know for 2 smokin' deals on an 05 Brute Force 650 and an 04 750, both with low kms. But I heard they have clutch problems. I'm staying away from Honda, no problems with them but I don't like the full time 4wd, and no high/low gear, so when your stuck, your stuck. But my mind is still set on the 600.
um we have a crew that goes four wheelin a lot, and two guys in the group have grizzly's and they never have any problems. They seem very reliable and decent power. Def don't go kawasaki because they have a lot of trouble. The ones i see anyway. But if u want a good ride, go polaris. best four wheeler on the market. I know someone will say diff but thats my opinion. I have 5000 miles and never touched it yet. knock on wood.haha. But you will be pleased with the grizzly's.
New member
Are those the 600 or 660 grizzly's you are talking about? I know for a good deal on a 600 Grizzly, but I can't buy right now. Anybody else have any experience with the 600 Grizzly? And maybe the Big Bear 400 Professional? What are those like for power?
New member
I have been wheelin longer then I have been sleddin. But that doesn't mean I know anything LOL. Well that being said I had really good luck with a suzuki eiger 400 5000 plus miles and never a problem. I have a friend with a 99 600 grizzly and it has 7000 miles on it and never had a problem except the shifter froze up and would not go in reverse but it was an easy fix. The grizz does have alot of power. But I now own a can am outlander 800 and I will tell you what, if you want power go with anything that says can am on it and you won't be disappointed they have the most power in all classes. Now I know everyones entitled to their opinion and that is exactly what this is MY OPINION. 

Active member
My grandfather has a grizzly 600 that I have ridden quite a bit. I find that the 600 engine has more torque than the 660's.
The only things that I don't like are: solid axle in the rear, no dif lock, air cooled (gets warm on the legs). Other than that it is an excellent bike, very reliable.
The only things that I don't like are: solid axle in the rear, no dif lock, air cooled (gets warm on the legs). Other than that it is an excellent bike, very reliable.
New member
Thanks guys. I have my mind set on a Grizzly 600. 660's are to much money for where I live, same with the can-ams, I'll have 4 grand to spend max, but thats as high as I can go, and around here if you want an 02-03 660 Grizzly, 5-6 grand at least. a half decent grizzly 600 goes for around 2500-4000 depending on the year and condition. I'm still not keen on not having diff lock, as my 300 king quad has it and it will literally crawl through or over anything (within reason) but power/reliability is lacking big time. Motor/Tranny has been excellent but like in my first post, has some problems. As for the shifter freezing up, the bike wont be used in winter anyways, maybe for a little drift up the road or something but thats it. I have a sled for winter.
New member
kodiak 450 with diff lock has been a great bike for me so far. No issuses and the thing for a smaller bike keeps up easily and goes through just about anything
New member
Huys i know this is a Yamaha site, but anybody have any experience withe the Suzuki Quadracer lt250r ? I know for one for good price and looks to be in good shape, and they supposedly rip for 250, because of having a liquid cooled 2 stroke motor.
New member
Okay you're kind of all over the map here. The first thing you have to tell us what you want to do with the quad? A 600 Grizz to a Quadracer is VK to V-Max. The main problems with the 600 grizz are that it is a big air cooled engine, so they tend to get hot, also drum brakes are never the best. A QR250 is fine if you aren't planning to bring lunch or do any work, or go through much mud. I know plenty of guys with Kawis, no issues, and the guys I know aren't nice to them! I used to sell them back about 10 yrs ago, even then the problems we saw come in were minimal. Only problem with Honda is high resale. I believe in 2000 or 2001 the Foreman came with selectable 4x4. Big Bear Professional is an awesome bike... if you have a lot of work to do, we used one as our yard bike at the Yami dealership for years. It will pull a 25' fiberglas boat no problem. They don't go real fast and are a bit rough, but great bikes. Judging by your budget, I would stay away from Polaris, and Can Am because you will be looking at late 90's bikes, with POlaris, there is a lot of maintenance and Can Ams were HEAVY. Suzuki has always made a decent bike, but you may be looking at the same maintenance issues with a slightly newer one.
Biggest thing is what you want to do with it. Also anything you have in mind just google it and you'll find sites dedicated to that bike. I would also say to look into prices on some of the parts that are likely to fail.
Hope this helps
Biggest thing is what you want to do with it. Also anything you have in mind just google it and you'll find sites dedicated to that bike. I would also say to look into prices on some of the parts that are likely to fail.
Hope this helps

New member
Thanks, I'm not sure on what kind of bike to get yet, I drove a 300ex and a Ktm 450 XC, I like the clutch, and was thinking on a sports quad for a couple days, but I'm gone back to a 4x4 now. I drove a couple Sportsman 500's today and they were very impressive, especially the 05 or 06, whatever it was, massive torque and power, stable, good riding, it was a good bike I think. I am still set on a grizzly 600 again though, but I don't like the thought of the engine getting hot. I don't want anything less than a 450 now, unless a 400 has an awesome price. My riding is so different it's hard to know what to want. I ride trails, mud, gravel/sand pits, pull loads sometimes, it varies from day to day and even the weather. I'm thinking a Grizzly 600 will be just fine though. Any more opinions?