Anyone out there running a holtzmann attacc setup on their viper? I have a few questions: I got some good jetting numbers from snakebit (who is running a holtzmann atacc) and I pm'ed him but I think he is on vacation?? He lives in iowa (where I do)and is running 162.5,162.5,165 main jets in his viper with pipes, head mods etc.. I am running 150's currently in all 3 with pipes (hauck Hushers) and carbon tech reeds. My question is why would I want to fatten this up so much to go to 8-11000 feet. My carbs are not venting to the airbox. Also tonight I read 100 threads on reed spacers, will they work in a viper, if the majority says no then will they improve a vmax 500 engine?? Thanks a lot