New member
I had my 98 SRX 700 overheat and am just finishing the rebuild. overheat culprit was stuck thermostat, as usual... In bleeding the coolant system (it's an Elkholm Mtn Master conversion tunnel) I noticed that the on/off fitting on the left end of the coolant rail connecting the heads is leaking slightly. it's a bit loose in the rail and can be pulled out a tiny bit, enhancing the leaking. Seems like this is an item to replace? Or is a bit of seepage normal as the sled warms up and things expand? Thanks for the info, gotta get this thing out there before summer comes...
There are O rings on that valve one may possibly be knicked or perhaps flat spotted,take the 2 bolts out that hold it in and replace them that should cure your leak.The bolts are allen head one on top and the other on bottom;seepage is not normal either.