98 SRX 700 Bogging and Engine Heat


New member
Dec 14, 2009
I have recently come into some issues with my 98 SRX 700. I bought the sled 280 trouble free miles ago when i decided to raise my handle bars 5in. I bought one throttle extension for what i assume goes to the oil intake under the carbs, and bought an extended throttle cable that attached to the carbs. After installation i noticed i was getting a bogging sound when i give it WOT. I have no problem getting it to WOT, but it will bog a little if i pin it from almost any RPM. I have adjusted both cables many times making sure they are both pulling the same. I then changes spark plugs to BR9ECS from the BR10 to see if it would help. No change. I then cleaned the carbs, adjusted/cleaned the power valves. No change, except now i also have my engine heat light coming on after pinning it for approx. .25-.5 miles. At WOT my RPM is 8600. I am not sure if this happened after i changed the plugs or not. Could my engine heat issue be a result from running a hotter plug? All help much appreciated. I plan on taking both cables off tomorrow to convert it back to stock.

Br10 is cooler than a 9, lower the number the hotter the plug. If it was running fine before you touched the bars then I would say that you must of done something?? Always run the suggested plug for the proper application as well.
- Lean conditions cause heat. Lean condition can also cause a bog.
Check to see what colour the plugs are, can tell a lean condition from the plugs.

If you have a bore scope (thin wire with a camera on the end of it) you can check piston wash, or damage if that is the case (hope not). you can also use a flashlight but it is harder. Piston wash can tell you a lot about air/fuel ratio.

Should check to make sure the carburators are set up correctly, maybe they are out of adjustment. Sync, choke cable, idle mixture, etc.
When carburators are out of sync you will get bogs like the one you describe. Choke issues can cause that bog, that would be a rich condition though.

- Cooling system
Maybe you drained a little coolant or have a leak and its just a con-incidence with your riser.

Check to make sure the valve that controls coolant to the carbs is not shutoff.

- See if firing on all 3 at idle

Does it sound like it is running on all 3 at idle
from cold start it up and wait 10 - 20 seconds, feel the pipes for a cold one (not a beer but you get the idea)
what brand of cable extensions did you put on? if you used rsi or powermadd, your oil cable is out of adjustment, and probably overoiling. have you noticed an increase or decrease in oil consumption after the risers? any excessive smoking? engine heat is probably related to snow conditions, as the temp sensor measures coolant temps and hot cylinders wouldnt affect the coolant temps.
