Splitting crank case, gaskets?


New member
Jan 17, 2010
Belle Plaine, Ia
I am working on my 1990 yamaha exciter and I split my crank case to replace the crank seals. I noticed there is not a gasket when I split the case. I looked at a parts fisch and didn't notice one either. Am I supposed to use silocone to seal up the case when I reassemble?
is yamabond only available at a dealer or where else could we find some.I am sure there are many other substitutes out there.I will be cracking open two cases this summer.
Thanks for the info, I have done some other checking around, and I am going to stick with yama bond. It sounds like that is what it is designed for.
Whatever you use make sure it is NOT!! silicone based. Silicone and gasoline don't like each other and gasoline will win the fight. Throw a piece of cured silicone sealant into some gasoline once and you will see what I mean.

I only use Yamabond myself but basicly what is required it a high quailty flange sealant thats properties are not effected by fuels or oils.

Good Luck, opsled
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