Fett Bro's running board inserts


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Who uses the Fett Bro's running board extenders?How do they fit?Would you recommend them?How have they stood up to use so far?
I'd like to put a set of some type of widening kit on my SRX and the Rox ones are quite a bit more $ and the addition of the Cat edges as described by Betheviper would also be a route to go as well but getting Cat parts like them from the bonehead dealers around here is easier said than done.
I'd like to see some pics of sleds with the Fett ones installed if anyone has some.
I use the Fett Bros. Surefoot III on both of my sleds and love them. I think the extender just covers the outside lip whereas the surefoot gives you traction accross the whole running board. Anyway, well worth the $60 for what I got and they fit perfect.
