bought a set driveshaft and anti-ratchets from him back in the first week of december, been a disaster. took like 3 weeks or so and my money order came back in the mail, sent it back and i was about that long again until he got it. then about that long again he messaged me to get my address again cause he also had it returned (i figured it may be true since it happened to me that over the border is just a pain) but that was on january 28th and i have nothing yet. havnt been able to get ahold of em and see he has not been online in almost a month. think i may have been taken and was dumb enough to send money order, said he didnt have paypal (thought everyone these days have paypal). thought maybee someone would know em or if it is a scam then others might like a warning from him. thanks for any help
New member
Dont know if its a scam or not, but I do everything I can to avoid shipping across the border, as the mail takes so long, the buyer and seller get irritated. 10 weeks is the longest I have seen a package I sent to someone in Canada.
I got some parts off him this summer. I know he works away from home and my parts were delayed to a point where I threatened to open a dispute with paypal. He did eventually send them and added a couple extra top gears, a 68 link chain and a bender helix without even telling me to apologize for my troubles. He seemed sincere about everything. I paid him through his girlfriends paypal account, he said he didn't have one himself. Hope things work out for you.
I picked up some parts twice from him as well in November + December, things took a while but I got them. As previously stated there were time gaps in communications and He also advised me that he is away at work for periods of time.
makes me feel better (a little), maybee he is away, i see he hasnt had any activity on here in about a month when i looked on his profile. thanks