Changing Belt on 02 Viper

  1. Set parking brake.
  2. Put left hand on top of belt and inner sheave of secondary.
  3. Put right palm on top of helix.
  4. Push down, back and in with left hand.
  5. Push in and twist (clockwise) with right hand.
  6. Pull the belt off the outer sheave at the bottom.
This basically is what was mentioned above by tofastSRX

--- or ---

  1. Grab the belt and yank the sheaves open. (Takes some force)
Once you do it a few times you should be able to do it in one swift motion.

Unless you have a very stiff secondary spring and lots of twist, this is actually very easy to do.

Now, watch someone do this on a TRA without the tool and that is impressive.
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Removing belts is always a pita. But some people make it look just easy. I think I stress fractured my arm once yanking on a belt!!!!!

With a Roller Secondary you likely have a pretty stiff spring in the secondary. You may even have it cranked up to provide better backshifting off-trail. (It looks like you are setup for off-trail). You likely need to apply twice or more the pressure of the stock setup used for trail riding.

The stock setup on a Viper is very easy to pull the belt. My AdvantEdge R3 roller is quite a bit harder, but if you get into position and attack it with conviction, it comes off.
Ding said:
With a Roller Secondary you likely have a pretty stiff spring in the secondary. You may even have it cranked up to provide better backshifting off-trail. (It looks like you are setup for off-trail). You likely need to apply twice or more the pressure of the stock setup used for trail riding.

The stock setup on a Viper is very easy to pull the belt. My AdvantEdge R3 roller is quite a bit harder, but if you get into position and attack it with conviction, it comes off.

Your right on I believe, Ding! I purchased the roller secondary from a buddy who was a tech at a local Yammi dealership. He had this laying around after parting out his former Mountain Viper and threw me a great deal just to get rid of it, basically. He had formerly ran it on his Mountain Viper with an identical heel clicker set up on primary, so it was really just a bolt on accessory for me.

He primarily ran his Viper off trail, sometimes out west, and a lot of ditch banging. I can notice a little bit of difference, but not night and day, which is most likely because my oem secondary was set up well, and this roller is only moderately better, maybe a little quicker.

I never had to change a belt with my former set up, but while swapping out an old one this spring it was really, really hard!!!!!

