340 enticer secondary clutch question


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Hey Guy's

I have a 1980 340 enticer that I have owned since 1982. The sled has about 12000 k on it and the engine has never been apart. I noticed the belt is about 1/4" down in the secondary clutch. On newer sleds, the belt is usually about 1/8" above the secondary polley.

Just wondering if any of you folks know how I can get the belt to run higher on the secondary. I am wondering if replacing the spring in the secondary with a new one, or perhaps a stiffer spring would help.

I also just purchased a duster primary clutch for it. I have to find a puller to get my old clutch off. I would love to hear from any of you who have experiece with a duster clutch on these sleds.

Thanks in Advance,

I would have to look again at my 79 Enticer to see for sure, but I don't recall the early secondaries having the belt run up that high as a rule and I don't think mine is and it works just fine. Sure wouldn't hurt with those miles to dissasemble it and replace any worn parts nor is it a bad idea to replace the spring.

Can't say on the duster, but I would think that the stock primary would be rebuild-able and probably a better choice than the duster. I guarantee you will not see 12000k out of the duster. What is wrong with the OEM clutch?

I had a buddy come over with 85 Phazer this winter and we brought it in and I showed him how to disassemble and clean both his clutches. He took it for a ride after and was amazed at the difference. Most of the ones that I see, that is the problem! They're pretty reliable. Good luck. G.
Thanks for the reply Gorkon. There is really nothing wrong with my Yamaha primary. I actually replaced it with one I Purchased off of E-Bay, and it appears to be in good condition. We did not have much snow this past winter and I only put 20 k on it. The sled has always been a bit slouchy out of the whole so I thought I would try the duster clutching to see if I could make it a bit sharper.

I have had the secondary apart myself and don't see much for maintenance. I did clean and re-assemble it. Right now the sled appears to be slow on acceleration after mid range. I noticed the belt riding at what appeared to me to be low in the secondary. I Thought this may be the reason. Even wondering if I got the correct tension on the secondary when I reassembled it. When I open up the driven, as in replacing the belt, there does not seem to be alot of tension.

I actually had a 2nd 340 ET for a short time, along while back, and it would actually lift the skis on take off.

Thanks Again,
Plenty of variables on the difference in performance so can't comment there. What are you doing with the original primary and exactly what year is it? G.
try a new primary spring in it. they get weak after a few years under load. fixed all the clutching problems i had with my et410.
G, The sled is a 1980 ET 340. The original type primary is on the sled now and appears to be in good condition. For th time being, I have gotten out of newer sleds and am just playing with this one. I am hoping the Duster clutch might breath a little more spunk in the old gal.

I will try a new primary spring this fall as well.

The reason I inquired as to what you are doing with the primary is that I am looking for one. I may have one here locally on a complete running 80 340 engine, but am having trouble tracking the guy down. Thanks. G.
