Air Fuel Ratio Guage

i thought of installing one of them on my 600 rev, a few years back. never did, as i found online while searching, that the probe/sensor gets all carboned up and oily, from the 2-stroke application, and then it doesn't read/work right. heard it was more of a 4-stroke only thing.

at any rate, if you decide to use it, please let me know how it works out for you.
sideshowBob said:
I am thinking of installing an Air/Fuel ratio guage on my SRX...Has anyone else done this?
Any suugestions?
In my dyno room I use a Etas Lambda meter($5000.00) it state of the art... I will have a test chassis set up soon for members to drop the engine in. Then we can also set the clutch up....
We also have land and sea.....I like the dynojet to load the track
any questions
kennedy_power said:
In my dyno room I use a Etas Lambda meter($5000.00) it state of the art... I will have a test chassis set up soon for members to drop the engine in. Then we can also set the clutch up....
We also have land and sea.....I like the dynojet to load the track
any questions

Are you going to fab a chassis to a dynojet ATV rear wheel dyno, or bolting up to a dynojet snowmobile track dyno?

Sound like your working on some cool stuff.
I use a asphalt track on the Dyno Jet 200IX ATV dyno
That way U can also tune the clutch and engine R and D as well
We also have a land and sea dyno
