plug reading help srx


New member
Mar 11, 2009
bc, canada
I pulled plugs too run a compression check was all good 125 across the board, however i was reading the plugs mag and centre one was black no oil just black pto side was like a brand new plug no deposits nothing totally clean should i drop the pto main jet size down one? cheers :2strokes:

don't drop jet sizes, if plugs are clean/lightly colored. need to go richer and/or find what's causing the lean condition in the 1st place.
Ill check for exhaust leaks, carb boots , just had carbs rebuilt and cleaned , compression was same in all three 125 back too the drawing boarde i guess i just changed to Amsoil from yamalube was thinking maby that might have something too do with it but?
yup i would check for spark too. if theres no deposits, either its not burning or not getting any fuel to burn. sounds like the fuel screws are not adjusted right if there are all different colors.
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it did have a exhaust leak in that cylinder all bolts were loose bigtime , carb to airbox boot wasnt bad was loose too could those too things cause this?
mikeast said:
I pulled plugs too run a compression check was all good 125 across the board, however i was reading the plugs mag and centre one was black no oil just black pto side was like a brand new plug no deposits nothing totally clean should i drop the pto main jet size down one? cheers :2strokes:
The compression is low for pump gas, I would suggest 140 on 93
The stock carbs are junk....
I use 40.5mm on mine
And that's still to small
the reeds can flow more air then a 40.5mm
The stock carbs are all jacked up, the pilot jet is to big, the OEM air screw setting is jacked.......
I will post vids and dyno charts of my SRX soon
kennedy_power said:
The compression is low for pump gas, I would suggest 140 on 93
The stock carbs are junk....
I use 40.5mm on mine
And that's still to small
the reeds can flow more air then a 40.5mm
The stock carbs are all jacked up, the pilot jet is to big, the OEM air screw setting is jacked.......
I will post vids and dyno charts of my SRX soon

Im sure you have a great running SRX,but I dont believe mikeast was looking to do a full on mod setup on his, just looking to find out why there is a difference in the plug condition. Which Im sure has nothing to do with the stock carbs being Junk. Dirty maybe, but not junk!
I remember when I used stock carbs, U had to mess with the choke back and forth until it ran ok... or the damn plugs would foul..... Once the sled was at full power, I would slam the sled to a stop with the ignition already off.... Pull the plugs and they would be tan color.....
I would leave the main alone and play with the air screw, just remember the pilot jet and air screw will effect the main size....The pilot flows fuel all the time
Good luck
