89 Ovation Question


New member
Nov 4, 2003
I'm wondering what holds the tool kit in place. I don't see any part listed in the microfish and there doesn't appear to be any place to hook up the normal strap that you would expect to see. The sled is new to me and I never have seen another one. Thanks: DT
I picked up a metal strap that pop rivets down and has a rubber strap that hold the box in. I dont have the part number but call Larry 715-453-2626 at North Country Yamaha, he is the one that found it in the Yamaha Parts lists.....if you get the part number please post it for us.


I guess this model doesn't need a strap. The hood closes right on top of the tool kit. I haven't ridden the sled yet. I've added SXR ski's, rebuilt the steering linkage and the rear skid. I've also bought some .750 studs, think I'll have clearence issues? DT
89 Ovation Tool box

On my 1989 Ovation, there was a strap and the tool box was mounted on a plate on the left side. I bought the storage box from a dealer and their is a place inside to mount the tool box. If you have electric start, you won't be able to put this box in there as the battery will take its place. I believe that on the electric start models that the tool box mounts vertically by the battery and is held in place by a rubber strap. Nice to have the basics to at least change a plug and adjust your track if needed. By the way, I bought my Ovation brand new in 1989 and would buy another one in a second. Lots of guys have laughed at it and me, but it is a very nimble trail sled and comfortable too. Mine is all tore apart right now, one of the pistons had ring failure. Do your self a favor and keep that vent plate on the front open all the time. Unless your in deep snow, your belt and engine will thank you. Being that the machine is fan cooled, the right side cylinder gets all the fresh cold air, the left one gets warmer air. Anything to keep it cooler will help. Sorry for the long winded answer. I've done lots of work on my over the years, ask away if you need help...
