Houlton maine on the Colbert Report

sorry, I misstated, I dont know the AG, everyone else though. The kid is in my daughters high school, his father owns several insurance agencies based out of Houlton. He and the police chief are in our local rotary club with me so its like I am famous several times removed. Autographs anyone????

Cost of living is what you want it to be, your pay depends on your tallents and ambition, for now, it is still a free america. Houlton is a great little town and I can sled from my back door most of the winter and after that melts, 20min west gives a few more weeks to ride.

if you shake it more than twice, you will go blind, but do you really need to see to shake it more than twice????
snip - if you shake it more than twice, you will go blind, but do you really need to see to shake it more than twice????

LOL - Here in the midwest I've always been told it's three. I better stay where I'm at.

...and for the record I have better than 20/20!
