Troops, finally after 6 months & 4 wrecked clutch pullers I got the damn thing off the crank 06/11/04...3:45 PM! I tried everything to get this thing off & finally got er to pop today! Broke another puller but crank & clutch are fine. The secret was way too much heat then you need. Kept tightening the puller & heated the inside of the clutch so hot it was glowing red! Tried grease, freezing, hammer blows....everything. It was friction seized just as I thought. The primary was not tightened properly; it spun on the crank.this is why you pre-tighten to 86 ft. pounds before final tightening!!!!
My brother has the same problem, the puller broke inside and he has tried everything but alot of heat. I guess we'll try that!
A real easy to remove a stuck primary is to use hydraulics. Tip the sled on the side and pour alittle motor oil into the bolt hole. Use a quality puller and thread it in. As you tighten the puller it will create hydraulic pressure and pop it off. Its a lot easier. Since I've figured this out I've never bent of broke a puller. I use a EPI clutch puller. Seems to be the best I have found so far.
Mad..tried that trick like a kazillion times & wasted 2 pullers trying filling the crank end with grease & oil!!!!!
New member
never had that problem and I usually snug it on with an impact gun
guess there's alittle to much flat-rate tech in me yet!, it's one of the few jobs that I use an impact for

guess there's alittle to much flat-rate tech in me yet!, it's one of the few jobs that I use an impact for
New member
Well I broke a puller today trying to get mine off also. The end of the puller bent and then messed the treads up on the crank coming out. I just read up on the hydrolic method so I guess I'll try to order a new puller, are EPI the best? Anyone know the tread size of the crank because I'll need to tap the treads clean????? once I get the primary off.