any suggestions for my srx


New member
Feb 16, 2009
delaware, ohio
hi all, i just picked up a 2001 srx 700. first off i can't wait to ride this thing. i was wondering if anybody has a suggestion as how to get more travel out of the suspension? will viper or vmax xtc componets work on this?

I once used spare SXR long travel shocks in the skid and front end,flipped the front shock bracket to raise front and long travel transfer rods located in rear holes of rail.This really raised the sled to,but went back to stock because I didn't want to loose any speed.But it did feel much better when running the bumps.
long travel

You will need to replace the two rear suspension shocks with some from a viper or sxr, you will also need to replace the nylon spacer on the lower section of the traction rods, match what comes on the viper. Better ride but you will loose a little top speed.
mxmantater746 said:
hi all, i just picked up a 2001 srx 700. first off i can't wait to ride this thing. i was wondering if anybody has a suggestion as how to get more travel out of the suspension? will viper or vmax xtc componets work on this?

Whole 'nuther skid. You'll be further ahead in the long run. I am looking at doing something different with my SRX. No way will I be able to stand stock suspension on The Hill (aka: Tug Hill).

I am thinking either a used M10 or Polaris Edge Skid.
I went with a 2002 Yamaha Viper rear skid and sent the rear shock to be revalved a little lighter, at a professional shop....way worth the trouble.
Loosen the limiter strap all the way out and set the pre-load on the rear shock as light as possible - just 4-5 turns past loose. this worked for me as a light rider - 175 lbs.

More pre-load on the spring sends it back faster - and was sending me off the seat like a bucking bronco. You can revalve the shock to what ever you want, but for many guys hitting the trails - not racing on a moto-cross track - you don't need a hard shock, you need a shock that will eat the bumps and keep you on the sled....Isn';t that why you want the longer travel anyway?
Also, lift the front end with some longer travel shock mounts - e-bay or turn your old ones upside down to get some lift.
Make sure your track is set loose - just enough not to ratchet when you give-er.
i went with long travel out of a viper in the rear, then again upgraded to ohlins wich is alot nicer than stock viper but the stock viper was good too. hard time getting the front end planted though. can flip the shock mounts for the ski shock upside down(that helped) but still wasnt quite right until i got long travel shocks for the front. can find em on ebay, not sure but think they were off a rx1 though, they measured about 15 inches instead of 13, be sure to adjust your camber also after doing this or it will not handle right. when i did this i didnt lose any top speed, lost a little cornering ability though, its a little tipsy feeling compared to stock but well worth the ride. viper and xtc front shocks are diffrend mounts also but i beleiveany others should work just measure lengths, and the mounts should bolt up fine.
mxmantater746 said:
hi all, i just picked up a 2001 srx 700. first off i can't wait to ride this thing. i was wondering if anybody has a suggestion as how to get more travel out of the suspension? will viper or vmax xtc componets work on this?

Use the search option on the tool bar and have a look for yourself. You'll find all the info you need to know on the subject, it's been covered many many times.

A couple options that come to mind:

1, Pioneer Performance long travel kit.
2, Suspension parts from an SX-R or a Viper.
3, A different brand of rear skid. Cat, Doo, Poo or FAST.

Also, have a look at "Betheviper"'s posts about better setting up the Pro-Action skid. That skid did not come from the factory setup to it's full potential. It can be improved with a few simple modifications.

Your cheapest option would be to simply take the shocks off and send them away to Pioneer Pereformance be revalved and rebuilt to your specifications. The ride quality improvenment by doing this alone would surprise you.

I LOVE the POO Edge in mine! Used JB shocks measurements and flipped the front shock brackets. I didn't lose any topend and it still corners like stock.

I had a M-10 in my SXR and I hated it. Broken parts every year, no hookup ever, and lost top speed.


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SC10III,, no loose in speed, or cornering ability...... much better ride for sure.....
