Not impressed by modern 600 twins


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2004
OK, my MM is a 700, but it has 110 hp. I have beat both the polaris 600 swithcback dragon, which is supposed to be 125 hp and at least 20 lbs lighter and the 2008 AC firecat 600 in twinspar chassis, supposed to be 118 hp.

Those sleds had stock clutching.

My MM has a homemade HC set and a hauck roller up and it kicks their butts.

What is up with that?
at grass drags 5 years ago the 600 twin poo,s beat my buds very well set up piped ported 600 sx-r.
The 600 sdi doo beats the apex on grass also.
You raced very poorly set up sleds as the new 600 twins are very very quick!
yeah my buddy has a 2008 600ho sdi and in 660 he was hard to beat with other 700's until I bought a SRX now he sees tail light

They have a big weight advantage over other sleds thats why they're so quick ;)!
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At haydays the 08 600 sdi runs 1-2/10ths faster then the apex. They have the 600 sdi,s running mid to low 5,s at the track.
Better then any apex or even srx has done.
here is what won 600 single pipe class at haydays in 09.
No yammies in final 4.

GUY BRETON SKI 419 1.47 5.12 84.5
RON GILLAND SKI 49.6 1.35 5.69 81.6
LOU HAUCK POL 547 1.43 5.63 85.2
CARMEN ERHARDT 650 1.33 5.61 84.3
Turk said:
At haydays the 08 600 sdi runs 1-2/10ths faster then the apex. They have the 600 sdi,s running mid to low 5,s at the track.
Better then any apex or even srx has done.
here is what won 600 single pipe class at haydays in 09.
GUY BRETON SKI 419 1.47 5.12 84.5

We were in the finals with him in 08 (and beat that sled regularly I might add). He beat all of us on the tree. There is something wrong with that 5.12 et...since he ran a 5.70 with the same sled in Stk C....COSDRA's times are goofy sometimes. I'm also fairly certain he was running an Etec in 08 or at least etec bodywork.

There is NO question Guy is quick and definitely the quickest single piper out there but he's also VERY factory and has more resources then most. We race against him and beat him more often then he beats us...and he's the ONLY single piper that can touch our Apex. I just wish we could do it at hay days lol.

AND remember out on the snow in the real world the 6's really start to fade as the lake gets long...but I do agree that in a drag race situation the old red heads don't stand much of a chance agianst the newer least without pipes :).
Hey doc
the 08 600 sdi,s are way faster then the e-techs...not even close.
Even out in my neck of the woods the 08 600 sdi,s are a handfull in 660 when they are properly set up. Out of the box they ain,t in the hunt but dialed in they are quick.
I was at a sanctiomed race last year with my xtx nytro & it was dialed dead nutz on.
There was an 08 600 sdi that i met in the final.
I did beat him 4/4 times but every race it was never more then a margin of anywhere from a ski tip to 1/2 a length.
I got him in the mid every race & top end was a draw.
Ya, I'm thinking since Guy is the factory rider he's probably just running the bodywork for show. I know that nobody could get the e-tecs to go like the SDI which is why we were surprised to see Guy with an etec. He's the only 600 that will run with any of our Apex's....the rest of the SDI's are off the pace....and most of it is the fact that he is deadly on the tree.
I agree
His other runs were all around 5.6 & 5.7,s.
mph should be 6-8 faster.
Yep..I think the improved stock 700 record is right around there lol. Guy is also very consistant...he runs high 5.60's alot.
