Phazer I rear skid


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Hey guys. I broke the spring support on the side of my skid last winter riding my 84 phazer pretty hard. Since I am going to pull the skid to fix it up, are there any heavy duty parts I can use for this? Springs/spring hangers, extra axles etc..Can I use parts off an exciter II skid. I am probably 220lbs geared up and I ride the sled pretty hard. Thanks in advance.
If the bolt is what broke, it can be replaced with a stronger one. Source would be a hardware store.

Otherwise the weak point in the suspension is the front swing frame. When you get your suspension out, you can see if it has any cracks/breaks. I believe if you get a newer one, they were built stronger, or you can reinforce yours.

You could put in stronger springs, but there should be no need to. I am a little above your weight and don't need to set the stock springs (which have a lot of years and miles of use) above the third setting for normal trail riding. Any more tension will make for a rough ride and put more stress (and more breakage) on the suspension components.

A good thing to do for reliability is to make sure all the nuts and bolts in the suspension are kept to the proper tightness. I have had suspension problems because of not making sure of that. While it is not something that has to be done, it is best to use a torque wrench on all fasteners. The service manual has torque specs.
I have the comlpete skid out of my '93 Exciter II L/E that I will sell you for $50 + shipping. It needs a good going through to clean it up and re-grease the bearings and new slides. I can send you pic's if you are interested if you PM me your email address.
Thanks for the input. Not sure if the bolt broke or just came out. The spring guide/holder is gone and the axle it screws into was flopping around. I am pretty sure the bolt broke. I need to find new spring hangers and a new axle shaft now.
