Question about vipers.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
For the upcoming season I'm planning on buying a SXviper 700, I want to upgrade from my Vmax XT 500. I was just looking at one forsale and notice it wasn't a read head 700, it had black heads on it. Is this the same engine as the redhead or is it something different? Also it has power valves right?
The one I looked at is an 02

Thanks a lot Matt
Matt, the viper engine is a completely differnt engine then the redhead 700's, the viper would be the close relative of the srx 700 engine. It has differnt power valved cylinders, a 1 pc cylinder head and a porkchop crank, but is the same bore/stroke/case as a srx700 power valved engine.
mrviper answered it right on but i just thought it throw in there i have an 02 viper for sale if you would like pics and info just pm me.
it all most pays 2 drive to the states and pick them up and ur a lot closer than my area. i drove 2 new york 2 buy a vmax4 800 improver 2 years ago which i still have. i have friends in saskatoon that have bought 3 sleds in the us and saved a lot of cash. sleds were mint with like 600 miles on them 600fire cat and 700 firecat, 800 cat with 136, stretched out is as long as my 153 mountain max red head yami but the yami is still the boss over that one, older cat 06
Well I bought me an 03 SXviper 700 this week. I did a search about required fuel and found mixed results, what octane level do I need to run? I noticed there is no sticker for 91 like on the SRX.
To the best of my knowlesge the 118hp single piped viper does not require premium fuel. If it has triples thats a different story, it will need premium and lots of it. lol. I would still run shell v-power 91 to avoid ethanol fuel.
Keep the carbs clean, and don't jet too close and you can run 87 all day long. I've got 10K on my engine and know many others that have 8K or more on theirs too. I believe the owner's manual calls for 88. As long as the place you fuel pumps enough gas to get their tanks refilled frequently the gas should be good. Like mentioned above try to stay away from the fuels with methanol in them if you can. A can of SeaFoam every few tanks helps keep everything clean.
u put fitch fuel treater in ur fuel tank and u dont have 2 worry about fuel only cost 35 dollars and last over 200,000 km a life time of sleding when ur done with the sled take them out of the tank. they are lead weights that are self contained . puts the lead back in the fuel and keeps it fresh year round. and don,t tell me u can,t afford it.this is a no brainer
