NB moose hunters


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
Ok all you NB TY'ers,who is going moose hunting this September?Once again this year I made my $9 donation to the cause but fortunately my father got his license and he asked me to be the second rifle so I finally get to go hunting after all these years of applying and not getting drawn.
It's terrible to think that the most important thing about July 12 we have to look forward to is seeing who gets their moose license LOL.
needaSRX said:
moose is the best tasting meat BAR NONE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

I don't know about the best, but it is a quality meat for sure. And not as "Gamie" as Venison.
needaSRX said:
moose is the best tasting meat BAR NONE mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Curious how you think it stacks up against carabou? My neighbor does a lot of out of state hunting and he rants about carabou being the best with moose second. I'd agree with you that moose has been the best meat I've tasted than elk second, wood duck and surprisingly black bear.

Of course how it's prepared makes all the difference as is the case with most wild game (especially venison)... just wondering how you think it compares to carabou?
