I have a 05 RX1 with 2300 miles on it, I just picked it up in march so I didn't run it much. My question is the track is a little rough it's missing a few lugs and has some broken studs I guess the guy who had it before liked to spin the track in low snow conditions. Replacing the studs is no problem but 3 or 4 of the lugs on the outside ripped out down to what looks like wood but the main track is fine. I it OK to run this track or should I replace it? I will try to add pictures to the post but not sure how it will work out. Thanks


VIP Member Wild Man
That track looks OK to run,,,, as long as track is not ripped out to the edge.... Replace worn, bent or missing studs,, and keep an eye on it.. Get used to sled, and see if you even need studs for you type of riding,,,,, for future track replacement....Enjoy your new ride........
Does anyone have a second opinion, or does everyone agree?
I have a mint unstudded ripsaw I would sell you if interested.
New member
Whammy said:That track looks OK to run,,,, as long as track is not ripped out to the edge.... Replace worn, bent or missing studs,, and keep an eye on it.. Get used to sled, and see if you even need studs for you type of riding,,,,, for future track replacement....Enjoy your new ride.......
^^^^^ What he said, very common especially on high powered sleds where the driver wasn't careful!