New member
Which heel clickers is the setup on the tuning page for in an 02 SRX?I bought the 40-10 "2-speed" weights with the pivoting shoulder.Wondering if that setup is compatable.thanks-Harvey
I would strongly look into installing these weights before you go ahead and put them on your sled. I haven't seen any good posts about them on here, and many guys will attest that they have had them or seen them blow apart, causing damage to the sled.
New member
yes I have red that also but this is supposed to be a new full billet design,they are offering upgrade deals to guys with the old style.thanks Harvey
Well, I had a set of the 3rd generation Heelclickers and they had great low end with Turk's setup. I was also running a roller clutch at the time, and the weights did pull very hard through the low and mid range. I had a hard time getting them dialed in for top end, so I sold them and went the Heavy Hitter route. I'm not sure what to tell you as far as weighting them, but you could always start with a setup from the tech page and dial them in from there.
New member
they give me a base to start in the instructions,so that should help.I just thoght maybe someone found the magic helix angle to run with them.I have heard guys say straight 43,stock 47,a few different multi angles.I bought another primary to stick these weights in,that way I can leave my heavy hitter setup all together in the other primary.I am looking at doing comparisons between the heavy hitters and heel clickers.I know the team made my heavy hitter setup very strong,just needs a little tweaking on top end.Now I want to try the heel clickers with the team and with the stock secondary,see how the 2 compare.thanks-Harvey
You like the Team secondary? I didn't notice a big difference with my Bender Roller Rooster, except that I couldn't get that much top end. I really do like my Heavy Hitters more than my Heelclickers. I have a straight 43 helix if you need one. I really have no need for it, as it would not work with my Heavy Hitters. What helix and spring do you run with your HH?
New member
I like the team,noticed a difference right off the bat,pulls way stronger with it.I run a max perf purple primary spring with the heavy hitters and a 54/46 dalton helix with a green yami secondary spring-this is a pretty stout setup,I am allways looking for more though-lol-I left the primary the way it was with the hitters and added the team secondary with I think a 54/38 helix,not sure on the team spring.-Harvey
Sounds like you got your setup from BlueByYou also? Thats the same setup I run, although I run the red secondary. I had an over rev with the green, so I tried the red. I'll probably go back to the green this year though, as I think it backshifts a little better. The red seems to have a bit more top end though. What gram HH weights are you running? I have the 48.2g and I had a hard time getting them loaded enough to keep the rpms down, but I think I got it right finally!
New member
Ya,I got that from him a few years back when I had my 98 SRX,when I got the 02 all I had to do was tweak the weights a little.very solid setup but was improved with the team secondary.I cant remember what gram weights I ended up with.-Harvey