River running/racing


Active member
Jun 17, 2007
Burlington Wi.
All right, I know I'm not the only one who does it and I'm sure I don't have the best river to run on.

So, who else knows the thrill, what are your stories, where do you run and for those that know what I'm into, is there a bigger thrill????

I want to start setting up some trips to new (to me) ice, FAST!!!!! ice.




Here is a post from up the road from me. Never got to see it run but man what a machine. We have some fun runs from bridge to bridge around here. Had a guy running a turbo on a ski doo that was somthing else i tell ya. Hard to find any yamaha guys around here but me and a bud or 2. But ive pulled a few cats home more than once. CCC
Corey9965 said:
I am assuming you run the Fox, correct?

10-4, Fox it is.

T'is my favorite thing to do when the conditions are right (sex or anything else included). When they are perfect, (10-15 below zero, flat ice with a 3-4 inch hardpack on top) it is uneffingbelievable. Last time they were that good here was Super Bowl Sunday the last time the Bears were in it and got spanked by.. (whoever). There was a 30+mile an hour west wind that day and temps were brutal for around here. There was almost knowone out that day and most had driven their cars to the bars to watch the game. The sleds I saw were all just trying to get to a destination of warmth, beer and football.

I was the only fool out there to have fun and I made a pig of myself. When I finally did stop at Doolies (a bar on the water) I just peeled my helmet and jacket and stood outside for a few minutes to cool off. The steam was rising off me and guys looking out the windows were pointing in disbelieve. I only stayed for one and I was back out.

It was 18 below that day with a 30 mph west wind. I came north into Doolies at 118mph on the dream meter and I was sweating my balls off. T'was the best day of sledding I've had in years.

I've seen the Fox. I need new ground (ice) to cover.


PS, You know the Fox???
I saw you from Burlington so I took a shot in the dark. I work out of Muskego so I know the area well. Never ran ther Fox, I do most of my riding in Central Wisconsin. Petenwell and Castle Rock are fun riding. The backwater areas are always drifted up nicely so you get the best of both worlds. The only other river running I have done is in the U.P. a few years back. Had to run the escasnaba river when trail 2 just ended on us. Luckily we found some local Yammi guys gettin ready to leave on a ride that gave us some great directions on where to get off the river and how far we had to boondock to get back to the trail. They said if we were riding anything else they would have sent us packing. Got love it.
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