Exciter VS Phazer II


New member
Jan 4, 2009
Tisdale Sk
Which would be the better sled, a 1993 Exciter or a 1995 Phazer II? I believe the 488 fan is reliable engine. I do not know much about the 570 liquid.
an exciter is a much better sled for running hard and long in the deep snow the phazer will get hot on a warm day , u will not beat liquid for cooling so u will have fewer issues with the exciter engine and u have about 40 more ponies so no comparision. have had both sleds and still got my exciter.
SORRY,,,, Had three(3) phazers with over 10,000 miles without rebuilds... Cant touch that.......Especially an exciter.........BOOMBOOM..........
Yea, I think the phazer is way more reliable. Also there is no where near a 40hp difference. A phazer that is blueprinted and trued up, and has a pipe is way faster than a standard exciter, hands down. Been there and done it, have had both sleds. Still have and drag race phazers. An exciter sx on the other hand is a different story, those are very fast and reliable.
A pipe on an exciter adds about 4-5 hp, where a pipe on a phazer will add 12-14 or more on a sled that is already a lot lighter. With some motor mods it is very easy to get 80+ hp out of a phazer which puts it about the same or more hp than an exciter with less weight.
whos talkin about blue print stock 2 stock and if we talk about a 84 phazer which is only 56 hp and the laters are 60 and if we talk about the later exciter 90 plus so yes it is close 2 40 hp. u cna not run the phazer in the deep powder very long with out it heating up its only a fan cooled verse water cooled sorry buddy then u and i will race ur phazer and i will take the exciter and we will see who blows up , ive had both and raced both . u only have 2 wath ur piston skirts on the exciters and change them instead of waiting till the skirt blows off. AL
I have to vote for the Exciter also. I have owned a 1990 Phazer 2 and a 92 Exciter2. Exciter is hands down more performance. The Phazer is lite and reliable, but more a kids or beginner's sled. You will want more power within the first year of owning a Phazer.

Both are great; but the Exciter gets my vote.
Thanks again for the info. I think I will go with the Phazer. My daughter is 12 years old weighds 71 lbs. The 82 ET 340 is getting tired and a Vmax 700 is a liitle too much. The Phazer should be just right. Who knows down the rode an AC F7 engine in a Phazer might be a fun summer project. Cheers!
allso then when ur racing ur phazor and ur fan belt blows off guess what happens u will heat seize ur engine had that happen the exciter is still racing and ur in last place lol lets see a moded phazor 84 hp a modded exciter 93 128 hp i think ur butt is getting beat, as a matter of fact my buddys got this exciter that i just posted which is beating up on the new 600 of todays world and yes it is sanctioned race so the rules apply the same for every body
