Looking for advice on how much to mill off 98 SRX 700 heads. I dont want to over do it, just looking to perk it up a tad. I was thinking .010" - .015".
Anybody have experience on this subject?
Anybody have experience on this subject?
Your #1 performance shop!
Measure your squish with the heads stock and see exactly what measurement you have before you cut anything!
Been a while since posted on here but If memory serves me right Turk's mod on the 98 and possibly 99 SRX 7's was to cut flat .030 off the heads and use an extra base gasket to raise the ports. Very cheap to do in order to make up that 5-6 HP the 98 has compared to the 00 and up.
Im sure others will chime on this one.
Im sure others will chime on this one.
Unfortunately it is not enough to just cut the .30 thou off the heads the combustion chamber needs to be re cut too so you will need a machine shop that can do this work too.And it is 2 extra base gaskets to add for a total of 3 for the port height on the cylinders and you will also have to make sure you can get supreme gas where ever you ride as it will make your engine a bit more prone to detonation with low grade fuel.
Active member
dadonie said:Looking for advice on how much to mill off 98 SRX 700 heads. I dont want to over do it, just looking to perk it up a tad. I was thinking .010" - .015".
Anybody have experience on this subject?
you SHOULD measure the current trapped volume you have right now, to take note where you stand right now, w/your UCCR and CCR. then, after you cut some material off the heads, recheck your trapped volume, to see what your UCCR and CCR are now. also, measure your current squish clearance measurement, like srxspec said. if your stock, i'm guessing you will be around .060"-.063". if you take .010" off, you will then be down to like .050"-.053". if you take .015" off, you will be down to like .045"-.048". another thing to note and pay attention to is, that you will be changing the MSV of the head. my TSR is down currently, so i'm guessing you will probably be around 25msv w/.005" off the head, and like 26msv w/.010" off the head.