pipe wrapping


New member
Nov 19, 2003
anyone wrap there pipes for better consitency, my cpr sxr get lazy in the mid range if i cruse at part throttle for too long , if I run it hard its fine.. and was thinking of wraping the mid section

any thoughts
I would recomend against it, I tried it with my triple MMax, with the high heat fiberglass wrap,it made my machine quiter but the engine exhaust temp went up and after one weekend i took it off checked my pistons and found they were all scored up on the exhaust side BAD, had to change them out, got her ported while i had it apart,lol. Also, it made here very blurbly on the bottom end when driving, it felt like it would't scavange the exhaust fast enough, I hated it, much better with it off, if your having problems, proper jetting/clutching will fix it not WRap, hey it's just my experience with it....any one else?????
