98' Srx 700 Oil Pump Question


Sep 18, 2009
Port Hope Ontario
Hi Guys,

What are the odds of my oil pump "giving" the motor too much?
The reason I ask is this.

Last season after taking it to a dealer, he replaced the pto carb needle
and seat because it was loading up. After a season of still blowin either
pto or mag plugs, i noticed the oil pump was wayyyy too rich and 2mm
outta spec. I turned it down, and it "seems" to have it cleared it up.

It would oil foul randomly pto or mag plugs, never the middle****

Psi is 125 across.


have you checked for wire harness rub through? reason im asking is because i was fouling plugs a lot, i checked everything includinng oil pump cable spec. i later found out that my harness was rubbed through under the engine.
I think when the pumps go bad they default to full open, so it could be the problem. I have yet to see one go bad, but i'm sure they do.
madzx2 said:
have you checked for wire harness rub through? reason im asking is because i was fouling plugs a lot, i checked everything includinng oil pump cable spec. i later found out that my harness was rubbed through under the engine.

No I havent yet! Jesus, that makes sense...she could be grounding out
the damned plugs which would intermitt. foul them.

Thanks fella, I'm going to certainly check that.
shouldnt make a huge difference but the stock plugs (BR9ECS) are designed to keep from fouling. People replace them with the more common BR9ES, which still works well but may lead to more fouled plugs. Just something to keep in mind
Blowing Plugs Problem Solved - Rub Through

Removed pipes, carbs etc and snaked the wires under the motor
to look for rub through. YELLOW WIRE rubbed through. Retaped, added length of friction tape and 2ft sheathing. Reassembled, and problem solved. No more, dash flicker either.

Sheesh :nos:
