20/38 gearing for 500 ft be okay?


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
i have a setup of 20/38 for gearing and was wondering if this would be good for a 500 ft. run with stock clutch setup??????

That is too tall

19/40 is perfect have won many many races with those gears. give it a try.

20/38 is geared for about 660
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Your gonna overrev with that gearing & stock clutching.
answer: yes

Anytime you make the gear ratio larger numericly,your removing load from the engine,so thats why it will over rev like turk says, youd need to add more clutch weight to keep the same rpm with going to a 20/40=2.00 gear set up, the stock is 23/38=1.65

Your not going to do very good in 500ft with stock clutching, the weights and helix are no where near aggressive enough. your gonna need to go to a drag race type weight(aggressive) and helix
classified section here would be good, I guess if you just merely want to bolt something on and go with minimal tuning, find a set of 8bu-00 weights,use 4.5 gram rivet in the tip. Use your stock yellow/white/yellow spring and add a few shims to it. run your stock 47 helix with a green secondary spring. this wont be a fullout set up but will wake it up considerbly and doesnt sound like you want to tune or put much into this so it s just a quickie.

a better helix to find if you buy one would be a 50/44,50/45.
preferred primary spring is a (white) maxx performance.

I have a few 40 tooth lightweight bottoms but its for the 13 wide sx chain, the stock chain in a 2000-02 is 13 wide hyvo,( they dont interchange.)
mrviper700 said:
classified section here would be good, I guess if you just merely want to bolt something on and go with minimal tuning, find a set of 8bu-00 weights,use 4.5 gram rivet in the tip. Use your stock yellow/white/yellow spring and add a few shims to it. run your stock 47 helix with a green secondary spring. this wont be a fullout set up but will wake it up considerbly and doesnt sound like you want to tune or put much into this so it s just a quickie.

a better helix to find if you buy one would be a 50/44,50/45.
preferred primary spring is a (white) maxx performance.

I have a few 40 tooth lightweight bottoms but its for the 13 wide sx chain, the stock chain in a 2000-02 is 13 wide hyvo,( they dont interchange.)

1st Bold- Would that be a Dalton helix or something else?

2nd Bold- Is the Hauck Orange have the same rates as the Maxx white? ;)! :letitsnow :letitsnow
would the 20/38 gearing be good for a viper with a 136" w/ 1.75" lugz and 8 tooth anti rachet sprockets? i mostly drift bang..if you needed to know.
braap420-,it just depends on what your top speed needs to be, youd be at a 2.14 gear ratio with that combo,thats pretty steep, will have all kinds of lowend and midrange,not much at all topend. just comes down to what your looking for.it will also require alot of clutch weight to keep the rpm right.

needsrx-,yes,daltons would be a good helix.
the white maxx spring is 60/135
youd be at 1.94 with 22/38(stock viper gears) with 8 tooth drivers. I cant tell you what gear to run without knowing what your trying to accomplish.Youll need to explain what you want and what your desired speed range is.
