I notice my speedo key spins freely inside the track drive until its push in about 1/2-3/4 of an inch. That normal, or should it be a tight fit to the very end?
whats it do when you bolt the speedo cover on? if the cover wont go on properly, is there perhaps part of an old key in there? back up a bit and let us know what prompted this observation. broke drive key, bearing change, speedo problem? square key, square hole. until the cable and cover puts pressure on it, it may not engage quite right. too much grease?
I was doing a bearing change. Since the speedo cable was broke.
So it should be a square, tight, hole on the key all the way to the outer edge of the shaft?
So it should be a square, tight, hole on the key all the way to the outer edge of the shaft?
if i understand your question correctly, the speedo key will free spin until it finds the fit and locks in, same way it does in the bearing cover/speedo housing side. it will give you a little wiggle room before lining up. and its about a 1/2" or so before it seats. hope that helps.
this sounds about right then, thanks