Changing the stock 30 degree angle on my 99, MM 700 track??


New member
Nov 24, 2003
This is my first post. I've been mountain ridding for 10+ (on parents sleds) years and just purchased my first powder sled last year.

I have the stock 136" track on a tweaked 99, MM 700 (171 HP), I want to stay with the 136" as I love how it handles (that and am about $600 bones short for a conversion kit). My MM floats fairly well in the deep powder, but it takes a few more RPM's. I've read how Yamaha misjudged the approach angle on the 99 MM's and set the stock at 30 degrees, I know you can purchase track conversion kits (from 141" to 161") for an arm or leg I don't have a arm or leg to spare (wouldn't be able to drop in the bowls as well) I'm looking to see if someone has been successful at changing the approach angle without a conversion kit???

BTW I got stuck in 5+ feet of power (what will be a good base in a few weeks) last Saturday on my second ride of the season in the Wasatch Mountains.

It's looking to be a good year. :D
goto the cool links site here on ty then look up mountain performance inc. talk to dave or mac they will help you. they make a kit to take your sled to a current style MM, it may be pricey but it will do what you are looking for. with your MM having full length rails you cannot relocate the skid changing your approach angle unless you go longer. you could get a 121" trail sled skid and use mountain performance rail exts and the reloacting template to achieve what your thinking without going any longer. it will take some tinkering but i am sure it can be done. you wouldnt need hose covers, crossover tube, or any of the tunnel extension pieces. all you'd need is a shorty skid, rail exts and the template. i am sure they can custom build a kit to suite your needs and price range. call em and tell em what you wanna do and what your thinking of doing to get there. ski
Thanks for the information ski, I was hopping that wasn't the answer ...but, looks like I'll have to come up with some money.
