Pistons GP 246 GP 292 GP 643


New member
Dec 29, 2004
Upstate New York
A Yamaha GP 246 and GP 292 have the same bore?
The stroke is shorter on the 246, is this correct?

And a Yamaha GP 643 piston can be used on a GP 292
if you bore the cylinder.....making it approximately 321 cc.

Will the GP 643 piston work in a GP 246 if it is bored to fit?

I know that the piston skirts are a different length between a 246 and 292, so they won't interchange. i never heard of putting 643 pistons in a 292 though.
643 pistons are run in the GP292's more that people know. Yes the 246 (et250) has a shorter stroke - I would check the piston pin position before you get carried away
The piuston pin height is the same, the skirts are about a half in shorter on the 250 piston. Not too good for a piston port engine.
FYI a 643 piston has a different pin hieght so it won't work in either motor. Anyone wanna buy a 643 piston.
Very easy ..... extra gaskets or make a spacer.
The phazer piston is a good GP300/SR292 conversion too, but you also need to add base gaskets
Ok I have the parts so I'm going to give it a try. Port timing is going to be a little tricky though. Thanks for the info.
