yamaha recalls


New member
Nov 23, 2007
i know the cranks were bad in the 98`s ..didnt know they recalled ski colums ....not to mention the brake bleeder screws were not tightned from factory .....
Yamaha Motor Corporation has announced a recall of the following 1997 and 1998 Yamaha snowmobile models due to potentially defective front suspension ski columns:

VX 500/600/700
VT 500/600/700
MM 600/700
SRX 600/700
MSRX 700

The recall was issued when it was discovered the welds o*n the ski columns may not have adequate penetration. If the weld fails while the snowmobile is in use, loss of control and possible injury or death could result. Yamaha requests all owners of the above listed machines to contact their authorized Yamaha snowmobile dealer and arrange for the replacement of the ski columns. Yamaha will pay for parts and labor, including an inspection of ski alignment. Yamaha asks all owners of these machines to avoid riding them until the affected parts are replaced. If you have any questions regarding this recall, please contact Yamaha's customer relations department at the address or phone number listed below:

Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. Customer Relations Department P.O. Box 6555 Cypress, CA 90630
not sure how old it is i stumbled across it .....yamaha never told me about that one either ...all they said was crank on my 600 .....i got 3 of them sleds ...
the spindles were a recall, but i never saw anything pertaining to the steering shafts. any stand-up dealer should make you aware of any potential problems and any recalls per your machine because any recall, regardless of warranty status, will be paid for by the factory. and with yamaha dealers in a starving service mode, any and all repairs will help out their bottom line, especially the ones that are paid for by the factory. i posted on here years ago about the spindles. i actually had a spindle on a 98 srx fail in 99. it slipped through the warranty cracks and the spindles were never replaced, although the dealer thought they had, turns out that sled was a part donor for others in need of spindles. if you really want to start some widespread panic, how about the fuel line cracking issue, as well as a few others. if the spindles on the 97/98 sleds aint broke by now, chances are they were replaced. how many yamaha riders have you actually heard about loosing spindles? and this on a 12+ year old sled. come on.
not tryin to spred panic just never herd a word about this issue ...never broke a spindle but bent one up pretty bad ...i know my 600 has the orgional factory ones on it still ...like you said if it was gonna break it would have happened by now ...just gonna make sure i look the welds over for hairline cracks ...
That is an old recall, from 11 or 12 years back. That number of recalls is not at all unusual. Some sleds have many more.

Notification was done directly from Yamaha. There will always be some that slip through the cracks. If the sled had been resold by the original purchaser, they would have no way of knowing who to contact.

There may be some way to identify the spindles that have been replaced.

Because it is a safety recall, Yamaha should still replace the spindles if it was not done. Contact a dealer - better safe than sorry.
Those years for sleds had trackable VINs. Call a Yami dealer and have them run the VIN. That will tell you what all has been done on that very sled by any authorized dealer. Obviously it won't take into account any shadetree work.
I just bought a '97 VMax 600XT from a guy in Houlton, Maine and imported it into New Brunswick, Canada. In contacting Yamaha for a letter of Recall Clearance, they couldn't track the VIN on my sled because their computer system no longer recognizes the old style VINs. They recommended that I take my sled into an authorized dealer to have it checked out, and have them confirm whether or not whatever work was required was completed (apparently, the factory authorized service technician will know what to look for). Just thought I'd mention this in case anyone else runs into the same roadblock in trying to find out if their machine was fixed or not.

A couple of bucks said:
Those years for sleds had trackable VINs. Call a Yami dealer and have them run the VIN. That will tell you what all has been done on that very sled by any authorized dealer. Obviously it won't take into account any shadetree work.
All Yamaha recalls are listed in performance update catalogues that every dealer gets every year. Any properly done recall will have mark of some sort to identify that it has been completed. The ski spindles or "steering shafts" were a actuall recall, the 98 srx crankshaft issue was a warranty item not a recall. In theory all recalls are already done to affected sleds, and warranty items were done to sleds that needed it in a given time frame.
