Help!!!! using a 89 Exciter motor in a 91 exciter 2 chassis BACKFIRING!!!! why???


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Huntsville Ontario Canada
Hi guys i need some help with this one HERE we go

the motor in my Exciter 2 has been replaced with an 89 or 90 motor went to hook up the wiring when the plugs wouldnt connect so.... i took out stator from the 91 as well as used the flywheel from the 91 hooked evertghing up and now the motor when idleing is running rough and when i go to throttle up it backfires and stalls out is this not compatable??? i figured if i used the staor and flywheel id be ok Please help this has went on for a week thanks in advance

what about the cdi? did you try switching that too?

If that doesn't help, I would look elsewhere for your problem
somewhere about 90,91, the exiters changed the ignition system, as you have found out. if you in fact changed the stator plate, mag, and cdi with all the correct matching components, i would consider a couple things. timing and tors. almost sounds like a tors issue. assuming the carbs are clean and the tors is connected, i would test the tors first. its quicker and easier. rule that out, then take a look at the timing. swapping stators could very well put the ignition out of time.
was going to mention the tors but i didnt know if yamaha had tors back then. if it has it you can bypass it
