Got a friend looking to by an 08 Arctic Crap F1000


Mar 14, 2005
Please guys give some more reasons to help me convince him not to? I'm not having any luck and I don't want to be the one stuck in the middle of the woods helping him work on that grenade.
A Kid in our group of local sleds has a F1000 and gernaded it so many times his motor is not even the original motor, he took out the secondary twice, too many problems too list. Arctic Crap is right
better buy a slippery sleigh 2 hall that crap around , artic crap lol now he would be smart 2 buy the new nytro much better sled and plenty quick enough
The diamond drives are weak on them... you pretty much will expect to have to replace it if you keep the sled for any length of time. Thats a $1200.00 touch up here in Canada.... so thats probably $600.00 down there in the states! Lol
Yup, the F1000 is a risky thing to play with. Motors like to burndown alot. Friend of mine bought one start of last season, and by the end of it, wished he had my Viper. Arctic cat gave him the runaround on alot of things.
Why dont he buy a 1000 yamaha 4 stroke if he wants one that bad.

I love my nytro. The apex and attaks/LTX are really nice sleds and will out last the arctic cat 10 fold
Zachalyse said:
Please guys give some more reasons to help me convince him not to? I'm not having any luck and I don't want to be the one stuck in the middle of the woods helping him work on that grenade.

You just gave the perfect reason:

"I don't want to be the one stuck in the middle of the woods helping him work on that grenade."

Rephrase it to him like this:

I WON'T!!!!! be the one stuck in the middle of the woods helping YOU work on that grenade.........

He will have been forwarned when he gets left behind.

Good job guys..He's on pause for now!! He may not be getting a Yami, but in my opinion, anythings better than A.C...Hell, I'm giving Doo a shot this year. I will always bleed blue though.
08,s weren't that bad at all,,, good for the hills....... would not do 07 though////// oops thought you were talkin 07/// after market pipe (single) and clutch works nice...
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Well we do a lot of lake running around here and some of them run real good. I guess you could get a good one or a bad one. The same thing with my Mach Z 1000. If he ends up getting one that runs like they are supposed to there is not a stock Yamaha that will run with it. One of the ones we ride with can run side by side with my Mach all the way across the lake. And I have run 124 mph on radar all stock.
I ride with a 2008 M8 all of the time. No issues, dimond drive or other.
The thing flat out flys, 90 + miles/hr with a 153" x 2" track.
If the F's are as good as the M's I would ride with him......
we must remember who the stock lake king is and its not skidoo maybe some of u have forgotten thats why i have 4 of them so if some one gets ouit of line out comes the good old trusted and still setting records in the states as the fastest vmax4800 yami or we can say lake racer. it will do better than ur 124 and its capable of 563 hp with out blowing the crank case apart. i know cat and ski doo can not make those claims just a reminder??????????? AL
extremelyfastmax4 said:
we must remember who the stock lake king is and its not skidoo maybe some of u have forgotten thats why i have 4 of them so if some one gets ouit of line out comes the good old trusted and still setting records in the states as the fastest vmax4800 yami or we can say lake racer. it will do better than ur 124 and its capable of 563 hp with out blowing the crank case apart. i know cat and ski doo can not make those claims just a reminder??????????? AL

Well in our area there is not a stock or lightly modded Vmax 4 that will run anywhere near my Mach Z. All of the ones around here are real dogs. I own a few sleds and none of them stock will run with the Mach. I have a 2002 Thundercat had a 2002 SRX and a 2005 Mach Z. I just picked up another SRX. None of them stock will run with my Mach. The T-Cat is very close and will beat it every once in a while depending on conditions. On glare ice it has a better shot. I hope things have chaged this year because I CPR piped, ported, cut the heads, Vforce reeds, and added a key to the Cat. I'm hoping it runs in the 130s. I have never had any issues outrunning any VMAX-4.

Stock for stock my SRX would beat Vmax 4s up pretty easy. Maybe your Vmax-4s are rockets but who knows. Stock they are just under 150 HP and very heavy. TCats are about 170 and my Mach dynoed at 178hp. I must have gotten a good one. If you lived closer I would like to see the old 4 cylinders run. What #s are you seeing on the Gun with those sleds?
